Baby milk storage products selection method and precautions


When children are still relatively young, bottle storage is essential, whether it's breast milk or formula. Currently, there are many types of milk on the market, what kind of children are suitable for them? Whether it is material, shape or function, these are all issues that everyone should consider when choosing. How to choose milk storage products? Let's take a look together.
How to choose a milk storage bottle
Method 1: Buy regular brands. In this way, the health of children will be guaranteed. When mothers buy milk storage bottles, they must not buy some unheard brands for convenience or cheapness. This does not mean that unheard brands are not good. , but it is difficult for a brand that has not been heard of to guarantee safety, nor can it be guaranteed to be as good as after-sales service.
Method 2: Consult a professional. We must take correct precautions and understand this point. If mothers have no experience in buying milk storage bottles, they can find experienced or professional people to buy together. This is because some salespeople exaggerate when selling products, or Introduce some features that the product does not have.
Method 3: Pay attention to the tightness of the bottle. Do a good job of checking the tightness. When mothers buy a milk storage bottle, the first thing to consider is the tightness of the milk storage bottle. Otherwise, once mothers buy a milk storage bottle with poor sealing, it is easy to leak milk and deteriorate. thus wasting breast milk.
When mothers buy, they can ask the store to add water to the bottle and test for water leakage, especially when shaking and inverting, and pay more attention to whether there is water leakage.
Method 4: Pay attention to the capacity of the bottle. It is necessary to have a good understanding of the capacity. Although the current milk storage bottles are marked with scales, there are also different sizes. Mothers can choose according to their own milk volume, and there is no need to blindly choose the maximum capacity.
After all, the milk bottle can only be stored once, and not repeated many times, so the freshness and hygiene cannot be guaranteed.
Method 5: Pay attention to the packaging information of the feeding bottle. To have a correct understanding, when purchasing a milk storage bottle, in addition to checking whether the quality of the milk storage bottle itself has passed the test, you should also carefully check the information on the milk storage bottle packaging, especially the production batch number and use date.
If at the time of purchase you find that the information on the bottle packaging is ambiguous or missing, do not buy it. Such products are most likely to be Sanwu products or fake and shoddy products.
Method 6: Purchase a specific milk bottle. Try to pay attention to the use time and safety. For some special babies, such as cleft lip or babies less than one month old, there are also milk storage bottles specially made for them on the market. Mothers can also pay more attention when purchasing.
After purchasing the milk storage bottle, how to use the milk storage bottle correctly?
Note 1: There are ways to eat. When drinking milk, pay attention to the use of methods when drinking milk. After taking the breast milk in the bottle out of the refrigerator, first wait for the temperature to return to room temperature. During the heating process, pay attention to heating it with water, and then wait until the temperature is suitable before giving it to the baby.
Note 2: Date the bottle. Pay attention to the choice of time, and mark the date on the bottle, so as to avoid breastfeeding the baby too early during use, which is extremely detrimental to the baby's health. :
Note 3: Storage should be appropriate. The right amount mentioned here is to store the amount that the baby eats at one time, rather than storing too much in one bottle at a time. It is also a waste for the baby to finish eating. It is better to prepare an extra bottle.
Note 4: There are methods for storage. The storage of breast milk in the bottle is not to put it in the refrigerator directly after milking, but to put it in cold water for two minutes, and then put it in the refrigerator with a temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius.
How to choose milk storage products
How to choose milk storage products - look at tightness and capacity
Method 1: Containment. Regardless of whether you choose a milk storage bag or a milk storage bottle, the airtightness of the product is the top priority, and milk must not leak. When purchasing, you can ask to add water to test whether it will leak.
Method 2: Reuse rate. The milk storage bag is a one-time item and cannot be used multiple times, so the cost is high. The bottle can be used multiple times after cleaning and sterilizing.
Method 2: Convenient. When using the milk storage bag, you only need to tighten the zipper to seal it, and it is a one-time product without cleaning. The operation is relatively simple. The milk storage bottle needs to be cleaned and disinfected in time before use.
Method 3: Capacity. Milk storage bags and milk storage bottles are available in a variety of specifications, you can buy them according to your needs.
The above is about the choice of baby storage bottles and the issues to pay attention to. Doing these correct understandings can reduce misuse and avoid problems as much as possible. Generally, the preserved fresh milk should be consumed within 24 hours, which is not only beneficial to the health of the child, but also ensures the freshness of the milk.