What should I do if I have irregular menstruation after giving birth?


Childbirth is a major event in a woman's life. New mothers may experience a variety of problems due to changes in their bodies before and after childbirth. For example, some new mothers may not have a period after giving birth, why? What can we do about this? Many people are ignorant of these issues.


Unclean menstruation after giving birth

Generally speaking, women will have some lochia expelled from the uterus after giving birth, so menstruation will occur for a long time after giving birth. However, what happens to some women who have irregular menstrual periods after giving birth?

Postpartum period has been unclean, which may be caused by irregular menstruation. If this happens all the time after giving birth, if it is not clean, you have to go to the hospital to check for inflammation. Usually, you should pay more attention to your diet, do not eat cold, sour, or hot food, or you can eat some Wuji Baifeng Pills, which can also regulate menstruation.

Postpartum women's uterus is damaged, which will discharge a large amount of menstruation and a large amount of dirty blood. Physical fatigue can easily lead to unclean menstruation after childbirth. This will have a great impact on women's body and uterus in the long run and cause health hazards. It can be adjusted and treated by taking drugs. , At the same time, it is necessary to do appropriate examinations to observe the amount of menstrual blood.


What to do if menstruation does not come after giving birth

Menstruation is simplified as "big aunt" by modern people, and big aunt can be said to be a woman who loves and hates. What they like is that it can detect their physical condition or if they are pregnant. Many people worry about what to do if menstruation does not come after giving birth?

Postpartum mother's menstrual recovery time is early or late, the early menstruation can come after the full moon, and the late menstruation will not resume until the baby is 1 year old. Differences in menstrual recovery are related to breastfeeding, with non-breastfeeding mothers having their period on average 6 to 10 weeks postpartum, or about 2 months postpartum, and may begin to ovulate. For lactating mothers, the first ovulation may be delayed until 24 to 27 weeks, which is about 6 months, or even more than a year. If you have sex during the recommended period, please take contraceptive measures to avoid unnecessary harm to the body caused by unintended pregnancy.

Postpartum menstrual recovery is related to breastfeeding. Women who are not breastfeeding can menstruate 4 to 6 months after giving birth, while women who are breastfeeding tend to experience temporary amenorrhea because breastfeeding reduces the secretion of hormones that mature follicles and suppresses the ovaries. If you stop breastfeeding for 3 months and still have no menstrual period, you should go to the hospital to find out why.


Irregular menstruation after childbirth

Many women experience menstrual irregularities after giving birth. This is actually both normal and abnormal. So, what is the situation of abnormal menstruation after childbirth?

It is normal for women to experience irregular menstrual periods, delayed periods, and decreased menstrual flow during breastfeeding. It is recommended to go to the hospital to test 6 kinds of hormones in time, do abdominal B-ultrasound, and take contraceptive measures during the period to avoid unintended pregnancy. There is no need to use any medicine to adjust during breastfeeding, and you can go to the hospital for regular check-ups.

Menstruation is a physiological phenomenon that women of reproductive age experience every month. During pregnancy, menstruation stops temporarily, and women return to their previous state after giving birth. The time for women's postpartum menstruation to return to normal varies from person to person. Generally, 33-42 days after giving birth, the ovaries can ovulate, but menstruation may not be synchronized. Proper exercise after childbirth can not only help improve the body's immunity, but also help qi and blood run. Due to factors such as breastfeeding or personal physique, some women will not return to menstruation for a period of time after giving birth, but some women have irregular menstruation, abnormal amount, etc., although their menstruation has resumed. This phenomenon belongs to postpartum irregular menstruation.


How long does it take to menstruate after giving birth

Postpartum menstrual recovery in women is a natural physiological phenomenon. However, the specific time of menstruation varies from person to person and may be different for everyone. So how long does it take to get your period after giving birth?

The recovery of postpartum menstruation varies from person to person. The earliest one can be 6-8 weeks postpartum. The prolactin produced during breastfeeding will inhibit ovulation and also have a certain impact on menstruation. Generally, postpartum breastfeeding averages 5-8 weeks. - 6 months of menstrual relapse.

Postpartum mothers have different menstrual days. Some postpartum mothers have menstruation as soon as the child is full moon, and some postpartum mothers need to wait until the child is one year old before returning to menstruation. From a medical point of view, postpartum menstruation is mainly judged by the degree of repair of the endometrium. Menstruation may resume at the earliest about a month after giving birth, which means that the uterus has been repaired and the ovaries can ovulate normally. Of course, there is another situation. At 6 weeks postpartum, we can still observe that the corpus luteum still exists after ovulation.