What are the common mistakes in washing your face?


As a human being, learning to pay attention to hygiene is the first step in life. When it comes to paying attention to hygiene, washing your face is essential. In this civilized age, washing your face not only means personal hygiene, but also a kind of respect for others. Women in modern society may be better in this regard. Although you have washed your face, are you washing your face in the right way? By the way, many people may wash their face the wrong way in their lives. For women, if these misunderstandings are not corrected in time, it will be easy to age.

Misunderstanding 1: Only choose the most expensive facial cleanser, no matter what your skin type is

Facial cleanser is a commonly used skin care product for face wash. The activator inside can remove impurities from the facial surface very well. Many of us believe that the more expensive the better. Actually not so. Expensive face washes aren't always more effective than cheap face washes. For us, the most suitable one should be chosen, and only the right medicine can save you money.


Face wash Misunderstanding 2: Excessive or frequent use of facial cleanser

You shouldn't wash your face many times a day. Otherwise, not only will you not wash well, but your skin may be damaged. When we were studying biology, we knew that the skin is mainly composed of two parts, the germinal layer and the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum is supplemented by the constantly dividing hair germ layer. Therefore, in order to improve the skin, the stratum corneum cannot be damaged. Blindly exfoliating, such as scrubbing with makeup remover or rubbing back and forth, will only make the skin thinner and thinner, unable to withstand the wind and the sun.

Misunderstanding 3 of washing your face: Wipe your face with a towel after washing your face

I think most of my friends are used to washing their face and then towel drying, which seems normal, but it may actually hurt the skin. The skin on our face is not like our hands, the skin on the face is softer and the towel is rougher. Rubbing too hard can thin the corneas of the face and damage the skin of the face. So here it is recommended that you buy a face towel, it is better to use a towel to wipe your face.


Wash your faceMyth 4: The longer the mask, the better the effect

Applying a face mask is the favorite of all handsome men and beauties after washing their faces. It quickly replenishes the nutrients and moisture our skin needs and keeps it soft. So how long should you wear the mask after washing your face? Usually choose the mask usage time according to the introduction on the back of the mask package. It is generally recommended to apply it for about 10 to 15 minutes, but some people will definitely apply it for a long time. If the mask is applied for a long time, the temperature of the mask will increase. When the temperature is close to the body, microorganisms can easily grow on the mask, which is very harmful to the skin. No moisturizing effect, but will damage the skin.

Misunderstanding 5 of face washing: oily creams are suitable for moisturizing in autumn

The wind in autumn is very dry, and when the wind blows, the skin is dry, so many friends like to use oil-based creams after washing their faces, and they feel that they can keep the skin moist. However, according to relevant information, oily skin care products can block skin pores, prevent the release of body moisture into the air, and absorb fine dust in the air to the face, which can also cause damage to the skin. Therefore, men can choose oil-in-water skin care products for autumn skin care, and women can choose water-in-oil skin care products.


Washing our face is something we must do every day and a habit we should follow. But if you wash your face the wrong way, it may not be worth the money. Not only will this not have the effect of skin care, but it will also harm the skin on your face, so I hope you can avoid the above mistakes.