How to get rid of fat granules in the eyes?


It is often seen that there are many fat granules on the face, which are small white granules, especially under the eyes, there are many fat granules, which look beautiful. Many women wonder how to make the fat granules disappear quietly and never grow back in the future.

One of the reasons for the appearance of fat particles in the eyes is that many women face the computer for a long time. The radiation of the computer to the human body makes the pores on the face thick and oily. At the same time, it absorbs dust and small particles in the air, closing the pores, so that fat granules are gradually formed. Usually in the process of using a computer, the closer you are to the computer screen, the greater the radiation. So when you want to use the computer, you need to keep at least 40-50 cm distance.

What else causes fat granules?

1. Trauma caused by bad makeup habits

Excessive use of scrubs and exfoliants, combined with improper handling, can lead to small scarring of the skin and the formation of small white cysts as the skin repairs itself.

2. Disorders of fat metabolism

The oil on the face is due to the recent imbalance of the endocrine system, which leads to excessive secretion of facial oil. At the same time, the skin is not thoroughly cleaned and the pores are blocked, resulting in the production of many small oil particles. If the oil particles on the sebum are not evenly distributed, there will be local excess When it is too high, small particles will form around the eyes.

3. Inappropriate skin care products

In order to avoid the early appearance of wrinkles, many women blindly believe that oily eye creams can soften and smooth the skin, but do not realize that oily eye creams are not easily absorbed by the skin, and excess oil will accumulate around the eyes, clogging pores, and causing Fat granules.

4, often makeup, cleaning is not in place

Some women like to wear dark eye makeup, but they are often careless and thoughtful when removing makeup, which leads to clogged pores and small fat particles around the eyes.

How to remove fat particles?

1. Apply vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the most important antioxidants and is widely used in beauty and other fields. Recently, vitamin E has been shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation in the ocular lens and improve blood circulation. Applying vitamin E oil dries out the fat granules, making them easier to peel off, which is a safe and reliable method, but because it is time-consuming and has little effect on some fat granules.

Specific operation method: After washing your face every night, apply vitamin E oil evenly on the fat granules. Fat granules dry in about 2 weeks. At this time, it is easy to peel off the fat particles.

2. Lemon removes fat particles

Slice a lemon, soak it in 1-2 slices of fresh boiled water, drink it, drink a glass of brewed lemonade on an empty stomach every morning to increase gastrointestinal motility and help digestion. Lemon has an effective bactericidal function, lowers blood lipids, helps the body remove toxins and excess oil, and removes fat particles.

3. Hot compress massage to remove fat particles

Wash your face with warm water and a mild cleanser. Use a towel with a temperature of 40 degrees for 3 minutes to open the pores of the skin. Use the massage cream to massage gently in circular motions on areas with fatty granules. Massage for about 3 minutes. If pimples appear on the fat granules, gently wipe off the massage cream with a high-quality cotton swab. Use sterilized acne needles to remove acne from fatty granules. Then gently press the fat granules with the ring side of the sterilized acne needle, and the fat granules will come out.

4. Use vinegar to remove fat particles

When you wash your face every day, add a small amount of vinegar to hot water, and it takes about 2 weeks for the fat granules to dry. At this time, it is easy to peel off, but there are also some fat particles that have no effect. Everyone knows that vinegar can soften blood vessels, and adding a small amount of vinegar when washing your face will open the skin pores and help remove fat particles.