Why do you need protein to build muscle?


Since entering the 21st century, people are paying more and more attention to their bodies, and more and more people go to the gym. Many men want to be able to gain muscle. This is not only masculine, but also maintains good health at all times, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Many people are asking the question at the gym, how to build more muscle? In addition to hard training, you may also need to adjust your diet to make your fitness program more effective and less expensive.


How does fitness add more muscle?

Our body needs a certain amount of carbohydrates every day. Some professional bodybuilders choose to consume carbohydrates by eating foods like brown rice, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin. Not only do these substances help build muscle, they can also help you build muscle by burning some body fat, making it a very tasty food.

Our muscle tissue also needs to be protected. Glycogen repairs cells regularly every day. This process usually occurs during sleep. In daily life, we should not only pay attention to regular carbohydrate supplementation, but also pay attention to protein intake.

Combining protein and carbohydrates is a great way to help our bodies absorb protein faster.

If you're in the gym, it's important to add more protein to your routine, as both can boost your energy reserves and optimize the process of building muscle to a certain extent.


Why does fitness need protein to increase muscle?

In fact, for our body, carbohydrates do not help to build muscle, but this substance can promote the activation of various hormones in our body, keep our body in good mental state, and help our body to maintain constant state. Activity is actually very important to our health.

Whether you are a beginner who has just started fitness, or a veteran who has been engaged in sports for many years, you need to pay attention to dietary issues and cannot be ignored.

A good diet and proper nutrition can help us build muscle, and a proper daily carbohydrate and protein supplement is a good choice.

In our daily life, if you are losing weight, you need to strictly control the calories in your daily diet and avoid overeating.

Try to keep the ratio of carbohydrate and protein intake relatively balanced. About 20% protein and 40% carbohydrate. This ratio is relatively healthy.

By adding proper energy 2-4 hours before exercising, you can make you more excited during exercise, eat some carbohydrate-containing snacks, so that the whole person will not be too tired.

It's best to include a certain amount of protein in this snack. This helps our body replenish nutrients and also better repair muscles after proper exercise. This is very important for our health.


How much protein do I need to eat every day to build muscle?

Let's say we do 3-4 a week days of weight training and cardio training. Serious people of course miss out on a good opportunity to build muscle by eating too little protein. But actually you don't want to eat too much protein either, because high protein powders are expensive in the market and eating too much is like a waste of money. All in all, you need to calculate how much protein you need to consume each day to maximize muscle gain without wasting.

If you need simple numbers that don't include variables like body fat or target weight, the usual recommendation is to burn 1.6 per kilogram of body weight grams of protein. For example, a 60 kg person who wants to build muscle is recommended to consume 96 grams of protein per day.

According to a study investigating the effects of protein intake and weight training on muscle gain, researchers pooled results from 49 trials involving 1,863 participants who consumed more than 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. We found no increase in the rate of muscle gain. So just multiply your weight in kilograms by 1.6 to get a rough idea of ​​how much protein you should be eating each day.

Protein plays an important role in muscle repair and growth, but the amount of muscle tissue the body can use to build muscle is limited. According to most studies, this upper limit is as stated in the previous paragraph: 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight.

In our daily training process, no matter how we train our muscles, we must not rush, let alone overtrain. This will make your fitness routine more balanced and become a better version of yourself.