What are the causes of low menstrual flow?


The so-called low menstrual flow means that the entire menstrual cycle of female friends is no different from that of normal women, but the amount of menstrual cycles is significantly reduced throughout the menstrual cycle. Especially in seriously ill women, menstruation ends with a drop. Women of puberty, childbearing age, or menopause may have less menstrual flow. In daily life, female friends must take this situation very seriously. At the same time, female friends need to understand that irregular menstruation is mainly caused by the following conditions.

What are the causes of low menstrual flow?

1. Decreased ovarian function

As we all know, the ovary is a very important organ for women. It not only ensures the normal ovulation of female friends, but also is closely related to the menstrual cycle of women. Therefore, if the ovarian function of female friends is unhealthy, it will affect women's menstruation to a certain extent. Therefore, it can eventually lead to the phenomenon of low menstrual flow and menopause. Therefore, in daily life, female friends must eat a healthy diet to ensure the health of the ovaries.


2. Endocrine disorders

Modern women not only take care of the family, but also busy with work. Therefore, most women face a lot of stress. In such a life, female friends are prone to symptoms such as lack of sleep, insomnia, and excessive mental stress. If this condition persists for a long time, the female endocrine system will be damaged to a certain extent, resulting in an imbalance. In the case of endocrine disorders, it will cause women to have less menstrual flow and cause harm to the body!

3. Intrauterine infection

In daily life, in addition to the above two factors that can lead to low menstrual flow, female uterine infection can also lead to abnormal menstruation. If a woman has had uterine surgery and it is not well maintained, it can lead to a uterine infection. If a woman has a long-term uterine infection and is not treated in time, it will affect her menstruation. Therefore, it is recommended that women with gynecological abnormalities seek medical attention in time to reduce the harm to the body.


4. Thoracic lesions

Most women experience some symptoms when they menstruate. At the same time, some women also experience chest pains such as back pain and bloating. Women have chest pains, but if their menstrual flow is normal, that's okay. Women need to be very careful if chest pain is accompanied by light menstrual flow. It is recommended to seek medical attention in time, adjust the condition in time, and ensure that the menstrual cycle is normal.

Lack of menstrual flow is extremely harmful to women and can lead to a range of conditions, such as menstrual arthritis and endometriosis. In severe cases, it can also cause symptoms of infertility in women. Therefore, female friends need to carefully observe their physical condition. If any abnormality is found, it should be treated in time for a speedy recovery.


What should I do if the menstrual flow is small?

1. Drink a glass of brown sugar water every day during menstruation

For women, drinking brown sugar water during menstruation has the effect of warming the uterus and ovaries, and brown sugar water can replenish qi and blood. Brown sugar water can regulate menstruation and relieve women's problem of low menstrual flow. Menstruation is good for a woman's uterus, as well as her ovaries.

2. Avoid overexertion during menstruation

Women should manage their physical condition during menstruation, pay attention to the combination of work and rest during menstruation, avoid overwork, pay attention to emotional regulation during menstruation, relieve tension and depression, and keep warm during menstruation. Appropriate hot compresses can reduce the problem of cold women's uterus and promote the discharge of menstrual blood.

3. Do a good job of emotional regulation during menstruation

Try to keep a happy mood, avoid mental stimulation, absolutely prohibit sexual life during menstruation, warm waist and abdomen during menstruation, and regulate qi and blood during menstruation. And try to eat red dates and red beans, such as red dates and red beans, which have the effect of regulating qi and blood, and increase nutrient intake.