When is it better to take a shower in the morning and at night?


Taking a bath is a very comfortable thing. Taking a bath every day can wash away fatigue, make the brain clearer, promote blood circulation, which is very good for the body. Good, but now there is a strange phenomenon. Europeans and Americans are used to bathing in the morning, while Asians are used to bathing in the evening. Why is this?

Why do Europeans and Americans like to take a bath in the morning, while Asians like to take a bath in the evening?

First, it's about race. That is, Europeans and Americans have a larger body odor, because the sweat glands of Europeans and Americans secrete a metabolite. After this metabolite is digested and decomposed by bacteria on the surface, the skin will smell bad, especially after sleeping every night, the smell is stronger. If you go out like this, the smell is very unwelcome, so take a shower in the morning and you can go to work with a good smell.

The second is that taking a bath in the morning makes people feel good, and sleeping at night makes the brain dizzy. Taking a bath can refresh the mind and improve work efficiency.


Finally, many Europeans and Americans have the habit of morning exercise, and sweat more. After exercising, taking a bath will make the body more comfortable, so it is customary to take a shower in the morning. In fact, Europeans and Americans also take a bath at night, but because they prefer to take a shower in the morning, they are mistaken for taking a morning shower, not at night.

Asians like to take a shower at night, because after a busy day outdoors, the body is covered in dust, and when the weather is hot, it is easy to feel tired. Taking a bath at home at night can relieve fatigue and make it easy to fall asleep. And Asians can't get up in the morning, so they are in a hurry, and they are in a hurry for work. Kenben doesn't have time to take a shower, so he takes a shower at night.

Should I take a shower in the morning or at night?

In fact, both depend on your habits. Of course, if the conditions are good, you should take a shower in the morning and evening. Europeans and Americans like to take a bath in the morning, which is worth learning, because after taking a bath, it will be very energetic and help to refresh the mind. But you don't have to worry about which is better, you just need to decide when to take a bath according to your own situation.


Bathing is good, but there are still some precautions

1. Do not take a bath immediately after meals

Most people have the habit of taking a bath after eating, which is very harmful to the body, because after eating, the body's blood will concentrate in the stomach and intestines. If you take a bath after eating, it will reduce the blood on the body surface and in the digestive tract. , reduce the secretion of digestive juice, affecting the digestion of food in the body. It is not good for the body, so it is best to take a shower one hour after meals.

2. Don't take a bath too long

Please don't take a bath for too long. Many women take a bath, which may take about an hour, which is not good for the body and can easily lead to hypoxia in the brain. In severe cases, there is a risk of fainting. Generally, the bathroom is not large. If the air circulation is not smooth, the heat of the bath is relatively high, which will affect breathing and lead to hypoxia. Therefore, it is recommended to take a bath for about 15 minutes.

Taking a bath is good for the body, whether it's in the morning or at night. Of course, if you can have both, that's great. If you don’t have time, it’s okay, you can choose the time that is convenient for you, but please note that it is not recommended to take a bath after meals or after drinking, please avoid taking a bath during this period, and also pay attention to the bathing time, water temperature, etc. Take a bath to keep your body healthy.