Why not squeeze acne in the danger triangle?


Acne is something that everyone is very worried about. In our life, some people have serious acne on the whole face, and some people have less acne. All the people who have acne, they want to squeeze it out, every time it develops.

Acne is actually a skin disease that mostly grows on the face and back. Every time your acne grows, you need to squeeze it. This is a more dangerous operation, especially the acne in the facial triangle should not be squeezed.

What is the dangerous triangle of the face?

Many people are very aware of where the dangerous triangle on the face is, that is, the triangle formed from the corner of our mouth to the root of the nose. In medicine, it is called the dangerous triangle. Acne in this area cannot be squeezed. Because the venous blood in our body flows to the heart, the venous valve of the vein has the ability to prevent the blood from flowing back, but there is no such venous valve on our face, and the blood is upward. The veins of the face connect directly or indirectly to the veins of the brain, up to the veins of the brain and neck.


Why can't you squeeze the acne in the triangular area of ​​the face?

We talked about what the dangerous triangle is, but the veins in this area connect to the brain. The vena cava in this region has no regurgitation valve. When you squeeze your acne, your muscles contract and produce blood. At this time, acne bacteria can easily invade the brain along the veins of the subcutaneous tissue and spread throughout the brain, and the risk is relatively high. So if you have acne in this area, you can't squeeze it, please be careful. There are also men who should pay attention to their beards and do not pull them out with their hands, which is also bad for the body.

What should I do if I have acne?

Now that you can't squeeze the acne in the area, what should you do? First of all, we must know why acne occurs, especially during puberty, when the secretion of human sex hormones is relatively strong, the secretion of sebaceous glands increases, and at the same time, the hair follicles of the skin are excessively keratinized, resulting in black spots on the sebum end and slowly forming acne. Normally, acne is not an inflammation, but acne occurs when a large amount of bacteria and dust accumulate on the face and cause inflammation.


Acne in this part of the triangle does not mean that it cannot be squeezed out, but needs to be removed scientifically and healthily. First, you need to check to see if your acne is mature. If it is mature, when you need to squeeze acne, you should keep your face and hands very clean to avoid contamination of the acne, do not squeeze directly with your hands, you need to use some tools to squeeze the acne, don't forget to sterilize the acne needle, make sure Acne needles are free of bacteria before puncturing acne.

Applying skin-softening skincare products before squeezing acne can be helpful for squeezing acne. After the acne needle penetrates the acne, the water will flow out, wipe it off with a clean tissue, gently rub the inside to squeeze out the remaining dirt, and finally clean the wound, reduce inflammation and prevent major damage to the body.

Since the growth of acne is closely related to daily life, try to keep your face clean in daily life, and it is best to wear a mask when going out to reduce dust pollution. After returning home, you need to wash your face in time, eat a light diet, and eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits. The vitamins and dietary fibers in them help balance hormones in the body and control the growth of acne.

Judging from the content of this article, it can be roughly seen that the acne in the triangle area cannot be squeezed, but if it is not cleaned properly when squeezing, bacteria can easily invade the brain and cause damage. Pay more attention to cleaning and disinfection to reduce bacterial infection and reduce risk.