What foods can you eat to fight aging?


Anti-aging can be said to be the career of a woman's life. People can't stand the passage of time. At the age of 25, the skin begins to enter the aging period, and wrinkles, pigmentation, skin sagging and other phenomena gradually appear. So far, the anti-aging program has officially launched. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to easily fight aging in your daily life? here has 19 foods to keep you full and young at the same time.
Anti-aging food 1: crucian carp
Recommended reason: Crucian carp contains comprehensive and high-quality protein, which can strengthen the elastic fiber components of the skin. Especially for early wrinkles caused by mental factors such as stress and lack of sleep, it has a unique relieving effect.
Anti-aging food 2: Broccoli
Recommended reason: Broccoli is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and carotene, and cruciferous vegetables have been proven by scientists to be the best anti-aging and anti-cancer food.
Anti-aging food 3: Winter melon
Recommended reason: Winter melon is rich in vitamin C, which has a good moisturizing effect on elastic fibers and collagen in the skin. Regular consumption can effectively combat the formation of early wrinkles, leaving skin soft and smooth.
Anti-aging food 4: Onion
Recommended reason: Onions can clear blood, lower cholesterol, and resist aging, while seafood can provide a lot of protein and rich zinc.
Anti-aging food 5: Tofu
Recommended reason: In addition to fish and shrimp, tofu is also a very good source of protein. Meanwhile, soy foods contain chemicals called isoflavones, which reduce the space for powerful estrogen. If you are concerned about breast cancer, eat soy foods regularly.
Anti-aging food 6: Chinese cabbage
Recommended reason: Cabbage is also a cruciferous vegetable. It is rich in vitamin C and fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, keep the digestive system youthful and help detoxification.
Anti-aging food 7: Apple
Recommended reason: Contains cellulose, vitamin C and sugar to prevent rashes and keep skin radiant.
Anti-aging food 8: carrots
Recommended reason: Rich in vitamin A, it can keep hair shiny and skin delicate.
Anti-aging food 9: milk
Recommended reason: Contains vitamin D and calcium to make people's bones and teeth strong.
Anti-aging food 10: Mineral water
Recommended reason: It can make the skin soft, beautiful and fair, help digestion and detoxification, and promote bile secretion.
Anti-aging food 11: Shellfish
Recommended reason: Contains vitamin B12. Contributes to skin health and maintains skin elasticity and radiance.
Anti-aging food 12: tomatoes
Recommended reason: anti-cancer, appetizer, energetic, whitening.
Anti-aging food 13: Spinach
Recommended reason: no anemia, strong physique, good skin, detoxification, protection of eyesight, stable mood, can stay away from iron deficiency anemia. Moms desperately need the folic acid in spinach. Sufficient folic acid supplementation during pregnancy can not only prevent the birth of babies with developmental defects, but also reduce the probability of neonatal leukemia, congenital heart disease and other diseases.
Anti-aging food 14: Oranges
Recommended reason: Anti-cancer, a medium-sized orange can provide the daily vitamin C required by people and improve the body's ability to resist bacterial damage.
Anti-aging food 15: Malt
Recommended reason: easy to absorb, can reduce the incidence of colon and rectal cancer. Malt itself is tasteless, so it can be sprinkled on cereal or added to yogurt. In recent years, scientists have introduced some foods through research and exploration. Eating the following two foods every day can enhance physical fitness and delay aging.
Anti-aging food 16: oatmeal
Recommended reason: Oatmeal is rich in protein, calcium, thiamine and other ingredients. A moderate intake of oatmeal every day can accelerate human metabolism and promote cell renewal. Sticking to one bowl of oatmeal every day can keep you looking radiant.
Anti-aging food 17: Nuts
Recommended reason: vitamin E Nuts (especially almonds) are a great source of succulent, which can help repair skin tissue, keep skin hydrated, and protect skin from UV rays. Walnuts even contain anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids that help: Strengthen skin cell membranes and protect against sun damage Preserves the natural oil barrier for beautiful radiant skin, and eating nuts may reduce heart disease (walnuts) and 2 Risk of Type Diabetes (Pistachios) Potentially Prevents Risk of Cognitive Decline in Older Adults (Almonds)
Anti-aging food 18: Avocado
Why You Need To Go: Avocados are rich in anti-inflammatory fatty acids that promote smooth, supple skin. They also contain several essential nutrients that prevent aging: Vitamins K, C, E and A Vitamin B Potassium Salt Avocados are rich in vitamins A, can help us remove dead skin cells and make the skin glow. Their carotenoid content can also help block toxins and sun damage and help prevent skin cancer.
Anti-aging food 19: sweet potato
Why You Need To Go: Sweet potatoes contain an antioxidant called beta-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A. A rich source of vitamin A helps restore skin elasticity, promotes skin cell renewal, and ultimately leaves skin soft and youthful. This delicious root vegetable is also a vitamin Great source of C and E - both protect our skin from harmful free radicals for a radiant complexion.