How to adjust the body from the diet after abortion


It is very harmful after artificial abortion. How to regulate the body?

Many people fail contraception and choose abortion. Whether for physical reasons or otherwise, this has a big impact on a woman's health. So how do you take care of your body after an abortion?

How to regulate the body after miscarriage?

Conditioning method 1: The body is very weak after induced abortion and may be anemia. It is necessary to rest in bed for a few days, and if conditions permit, you can rest for a few more days. Bed rest for 3-7 days is more appropriate.

Conditioning method 2: Keep warm, do not touch raw or cold water, and use hot water for eating and washing. It is forbidden to take a bath within one month, and do not eat cold and spicy food. Keep the uterus warm, especially the lower body not to catch cold, pay attention to keep the lower abdomen, waist and feet warm, the uterus is cold, the quality of the eggs will be greatly reduced, and the cold uterus will also cause many gynecological problems.

Conditioning method 3: To fully protect the uterus, take appropriate uterine contractions, and take some drugs to remove congestion to completely discharge congestion.

Conditioning method 4: Don't do the heavy lifting. Excessive exertion can affect the recovery of the uterus and may also cause visceral sagging.

Conditioning method 5: Eat more nutritious food to allow the body to recover as soon as possible. In the first few days after miscarriage, you should eat more light food, drink more soup, drink more porridge, drink more water, stew some nutrient-rich pork ribs soup, chicken soup, etc., and supplement fruit appropriately.

Conditioning method 6: Do not become pregnant immediately after an induced abortion, the body and uterus need time to recover. It is best to prepare for pregnancy after six months. Hormone levels in the body have not recovered, and the uterus is still relatively fragile and needs time to recover.

Conditioning method 7: Do not repeat artificial abortion, which is very harmful to the body, and may also lead to habitual abortion and infertility. Repeated miscarriages can easily lead to inflammation of the uterus, thinning of the lining of the uterus, other problems with the fallopian tubes, or other problems that can lead to future infertility.

Diet adjustment should pay attention to the following points:

Note 1: Adequate protein intake should be taken within half a month after induced abortion. Therefore, you can eat more chicken, lean pork, eggs, milk and beans, soy products and so on.

Note 2: Since the body becomes weak after induced abortion, it is often easy to sweat, so it is advisable to replenish water in small amounts and multiple times. There are many water-soluble vitamins in sweat, especially vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2. Therefore, you should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. This also helps prevent constipation.

Note 3: On the basis of a normal diet, limit fat appropriately. Within a week after the operation, the fat was controlled at about 80 grams per day. Menstrual disorders should not eat irritating foods, such as chili, wine, vinegar, pepper, ginger, etc., these foods will stimulate the congestion of sexual organs and increase the amount of menstruation. Also avoid raw and cold foods such as crabs, snails and mussels.