4 ways to improve ovulation conception


Chances of pregnancy during ovulation

Is there a high chance of pregnancy during ovulation? The probability of pregnancy during ovulation is relatively high, generally more than 90%. Estimating ovulation can help with conception during intercourse. In addition to using the menstrual cycle estimation method, the ovulation test strip test method, the basal body temperature measurement method, the cervical mucus observation method or the B-ultrasound monitoring method can help us grasp the ovulation period, so as to arrange the time of intercourse and improve the probability of pregnancy.

Method 1: Basal body temperature measurement method. Basal body temperature before ovulation is lower than normal body temperature, body temperature continues to drop by 0.1-0.2°C during ovulation, and body temperature rises by 0.3°C-0.5°C immediately after ovulation. The day before your body temperature rises is the day of ovulation.

Method 2: Ovulation test strip detection method. Luteinizing hormone (LH) in a woman's urine peaks 24-48 hours before ovulation. Peak LH levels can be more accurately detected using ovulation test strips.

Method 3: Cervical mucus observation method. The cervical mucus is secreted vigorously before ovulation, and the day when the mucus volume is the largest and the mucus is the most transparent is the day of ovulation.

Method 4: Ultrasound Monitoring Method. Ultrasound monitoring of ovulation is currently the most accurate method. Under ultrasound, the size, shape, number of follicles and the condition of the uterus and ovaries can be observed. When the diameter of the follicle reaches 18-25mm, it can be discharged.


A few days after ovulation can detect pregnancy

Pregnancy can be confirmed as early as 10 days after intercourse with a blood HCG test.

There are usually no noticeable sensations for two weeks after conception, after which there are 4 common aura symptoms:

Aura symptom 1: Menstrual delay. If the normal menstrual cycle is accurate, and there is no menstrual period after having sex recently, it should be highly suspected of being pregnant.

Aura symptom 2: Frequent urination.

Aura symptom 3: Breasts often feel swollen, or slightly painful. This phenomenon usually occurs at the end of the first month after pregnancy.

Aura Symptom 4: Appetite Response. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, drowsiness and other symptoms.

when these changes are felt. I went to the hospital to do a urine test by the early pregnancy test strip method, and the result was positive, which can further confirm the pregnancy.