2 Reasons for Not Conceiving During Ovulation & 4 Condition for Conception


Reasons for not getting pregnant during ovulation

To understand the reasons for not getting pregnant during ovulation, you must first understand the basic conditions of conception.

The conditions for conception are:

Condition 1: A woman must have mature, normal sperm and eggs in order to conceive;

Condition 2: A female must have an unobstructed reproductive tract to conceive;

Condition 3: Women must have an environment suitable for conception, with a normal uterine cavity, normal endometrium, and changes in the endometrium, which are suitable for the implantation of fertilized eggs;

Condition 4: The woman must have the right time to conceive.


What are the reasons for not getting pregnant during ovulation?

Conception is a complex physiological process, and any abnormality in any link may lead to infertility or difficulty in conception. Among infertile couples, about 40% of the factors leading to infertility are women, about 40% are men, and 20% are both partners. Therefore, infertility families should be diagnosed and treated together.

Reason 1: Female physical factors

Experts pointed out that many female infertility patients are caused by physiological disease factors, the more common are ovarian disease factors, uterine disease factors, central nervous system disease factors, immune infertility factors, fallopian tube infertility factors, etc. Female infertility patients need to promptly identify the cause of infertility, treat it, and perform a pregnancy test after recovery.

Reason 2: Male physical factors

Experts point out that many male infertility patients are caused by physiological factors. The more common male infertility factors include abnormal spermatic infertility, abnormal infertility of accessory glands, infertility of varicocele, immune infertility, etc., endocrine abnormal infertility, abnormal ejaculation infertility, abnormal sexual function infertility, etc. . If a man has such infertility, he should go to a regular hospital in time to find out the cause, carry out treatment, and take a pregnancy test after recovery.