9 things you need to know about morning sickness during pregnancy


Question 1: When did morning sickness start?

Morning sickness varies from person to person, but generally occurs in the first trimester, starting around the fifth week of pregnancy. Especially in the morning and evening, there will be nausea, and you want to vomit without any reason. Symptoms usually subside or disappear after 3 months of pregnancy.

Question 2: Why does morning sickness occur?

Morning sickness is generally closely related to the chorionic gonadotropin produced by the embryonic villi in the first trimester. Generally, when pregnancy is terminated, morning sickness will disappear. For some pregnant mothers, morning sickness does not disappear but aggravates, which is often related to psychological factors and excessive emotional tension.

Question 3: What medicine can relieve morning sickness?

If morning sickness is severe, you can take vitamin B6 and Jianweixiaoshi tablets orally. The recommended dose of vitamin B6 is 1.9 milligrams (mg) per day. If it is particularly serious, you can add some nutrients to the body.


Question 4: The heavier the morning sickness, the healthier the fetus. is this real?

There is a folk saying that "the heavier the morning sickness, the healthier the baby". Some mothers vomited empty stomachs, but the elders were very happy, thinking that the babies born in this way were healthier. In fact, there is no scientific basis for this claim.

If the pregnant mother vomits a lot, it will affect the body's absorption of nutrients, causing the fetus to grow slowly, and serious need to go to the hospital for medical treatment.

Question 5: Should mothers with severe morning sickness endure for 3 months to see the situation or seek medical treatment in time?

Excessive morning sickness is not good for both the mother and the fetus. Severe morning sickness is a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. The main symptom is vomiting after meals or even after drinking water. Bile will be vomited, blood, lack of energy, and weight loss. After this happens, the mother's body and spirit are seriously affected, so mothers who have the above symptoms should go to the hospital in time.

Question 6: Does severe morning sickness mean that you are pregnant with a boy?

The severity of morning sickness has little to do with having a boy or a girl, nor is there any scientific basis for it. Responses during pregnancy are related to the individual's constitution and the sex of the fetus cannot be determined. However, if you are carrying twins, you may be more prone to morning sickness than if you were carrying singles.


Question 7: The heavier the morning sickness, the smarter the child?

Whether the child is smart chromosomes, genes, intrauterine environment during pregnancy, and postpartum education will affect intellectual development, while morning sickness is not directly related to fetal intellectual development.

Question 8: There is no morning sickness reaction during pregnancy, or the morning sickness lasts for a short time. is this normal? Will it affect the fetus?

Not surprisingly, there is no strong vomiting. It's possible that the pregnancy reaction hasn't really started, and some pregnant women don't have a strong sense of vomiting at all. It varies from person to person, which is normal. Also, even if the same person is pregnant with the first child, the reaction may be stronger, but when the second child is pregnant, the reaction may be less intense. Therefore, the problem cannot be explained by whether there is a morning sickness reaction. As long as there are no symptoms of sudden redness (or browning) and unbearable pain, you should be fine. In the early stages of pregnancy (first trimester), a B-ultrasound can be performed to confirm the pregnancy and determine the gestational age. If everything is normal, there is no need to worry.

Question 9: The pregnant woman is suffering from morning sickness and has no appetite for anything. How should food be prepared for her?

When morning sickness is heavy, the diet should be nutritious, light and delicious, and easy to digest.

The food to eat should be simple and then diversified, and try to take care of the eating habits and hobbies of pregnant women, such as sour, sweet, salty, spicy and so on.

After the symptoms of morning sickness are relieved, the spirit improves, and the appetite increases, you can eat more foods rich in high-quality protein, such as lean meat, fish, shrimp, eggs, dairy products, animal liver, and soy products. At the same time, try to get enough carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to meet the needs of pregnant women and fetuses.

The best way to eat is to eat small meals frequently. Eat every two to three hours. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy are worse in the morning on an empty stomach. At this time, you can eat some small, low-water foods, such as biscuits, eggs, etc.