Causes and treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women


Causes of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women generally appear in the third trimester, because as the fetus grows day by day, the pregnant woman's uterus expands, which in turn compresses the veins and blocks blood flow. In addition, the pelvic blood supply of pregnant women increases, and the pelvic tissue relaxes, which promotes the occurrence and aggravation of hemorrhoids. In addition, due to the pressure of the uterus on the rectum and anus, as well as blood stasis, it can also lead to the occurrence of hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

1. Constipation. Pregnant women with hemorrhoids can cause constipation and anal bleeding after defecation, but no bloody or black stools.

2. Pain. Hemorrhoids protrude outside the anus, appearing as dark purple rectangular lumps with edema on the surface, normal surrounding, hard, extremely tender, and movable. When internal hemorrhoids protrude from the anus, dark purple hemorrhoid masses are visible.

3. Anemia. If the hemorrhoids of pregnant women are not improved for a long time, it will cause different degrees of anemia.

4. Poisoning. Poor bowel movements caused by hemorrhoids can easily leave human waste in the intestines. After a long time, the water in the metabolites in the body evaporates, and it is more difficult to excrete from the body. At the same time, some toxins will be released, which will be absorbed by the human body and cause poisoning.

How to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Treatment 1: Drug therapy. There are many medicines for the treatment of hemorrhoids, such as hemorrhoid cream. Some are very effective at relieving symptoms, but these often contain ingredients like musk, alum, mannitol, and antibiotics. These ingredients may cause adverse effects on the fetus. It is recommended that pregnant women use it under the guidance of a doctor.

Treatment 2: Surgery. Hemorrhoids can be treated by surgery, but they are generally not suitable for surgery in the third trimester, in order to avoid the possibility of miscarriage or premature birth; the use of anesthetics and some antibiotics in the first trimester may be harmful to both the mother and the fetus, so pregnant women with hemorrhoids should mainly rely on dietary adjustments and daily routines. Fumigation sitz bath to treat, generally do not use surgery. If the condition is severe, surgery should be waited until the puerperium. If the hemorrhoids prolapse, they should be removed as soon as possible and rest in bed. If necessary, injection therapy, band ligation, cryotherapy, etc. can be considered after the doctor has carried out a systematic examination and identified the situation.

After treatment, if the symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnant women are not improved or even worsened, the incarceration cannot be recovered, and there is obvious pain, surgical treatment should still be considered, but it is recommended to choose 20-32 weeks of pregnancy as much as possible. And because it is pregnant, the tissue is relatively fragile and easy to bleed, so pay attention during the operation. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, the wound is often difficult to fully heal due to bleeding, edema, and fragility of the anal and perineal tissues, making it unsuitable for surgery. Postpartum surgery is generally believed to be unobstructed locally and systemically, so surgery can be considered if necessary.