Causes and treatment of colds in pregnant women


Causes of colds in pregnant women

The causes of colds in pregnant women are mainly reflected in the changes in physical condition after pregnancy, the changes in respiratory mucosa and respiratory function, and the decrease in systemic or local defense function of the respiratory tract. Specifically:

Reason 1: Changes in physical condition after pregnancy

In the early stage of pregnancy, the physical condition changes and the pregnancy reaction intensifies, resulting in morning sickness, anorexia, poor sleep, etc. At the same time, the body is weak and the amount of exercise is reduced, which can easily lead to a decline in immunity, which makes it easier for bacteria to invade the body. This is also the reason why some pregnant women have repeated colds in the first trimester and feel that their physical fitness is not as good as before.

Reason 2: Changes in respiratory mucosa

After a woman is pregnant, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract will appear edema and hypertrophy, so it is easy to have cold symptoms.

Reason 3: Changes in respiratory function

At 18 weeks, maternal oxygen consumption increases by 10-20% (50% of which is consumed by the fetus). While lung ventilation increases by 40%, pregnant women often hyperventilate in order to meet the oxygen demand of the mother and her fetus. The fetus has no breathing function in the mother's body, and completely relies on the mother to inhale oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, so pregnant women often feel shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Due to hyperventilation, inhalation of more dust, changes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, it is easy to cause a cold.

Reason 4: Decreased systemic or local defense function in the respiratory tract

Cold, rain, sudden changes in climate, excessive fatigue, etc., reduce the defense function of the whole body or local respiratory tract, and make the bacteria that already exist in the upper respiratory tract or invade from the outside multiply rapidly, thereby causing a cold.

How to deal with a cold in pregnant women

Pregnant women should choose an appropriate and safe way to get rid of a cold due to their special physical condition. Once you have a cold, you must pay attention to rest and don’t get tired; drink plenty of water: avoid eating and drinking; seek medical attention in time, take medicine under the guidance of a doctor, and do not take medicine yourself.

Method 1: See a doctor and take medicine as prescribed by the doctor. Pregnant women have different constitutions from other constitutions, so please do not take medicines without authorization. All medications should be contraindicated during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Use with caution in the second trimester, it is best not to use it. If you find that you have a cold, you must go to a regular hospital for examination, explain to the doctor that you are pregnant, and take the medicine safely under the guidance of the doctor.

Method 2: If a pregnant woman has a cold and sore throat, do not consider taking medicine first, because the ingredients of the medicine will have a certain impact on the fetus. Pregnant women with cold and sore throat can use some dietary methods, drink more water, and eat some foods that have a therapeutic effect on colds, so as to relieve symptoms and gradually recover.

Method 3: Take breaks. After a pregnant woman catches a cold, she should immediately put down the heavy work at hand, take more rest, avoid fatigue and stress, and reduce the occurrence of complications. During the epidemic, pregnant women should pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid going to crowded places, do not touch people with colds, and ventilate the home, keep the temperature and humidity appropriate, and maintain a good mood to fight the virus.

Method 4: Drink more water (drink more soup) to replenish body fluids lost when you have a cold and fever, and help expel toxic substances. Proper intake of vitamin C can relieve cold symptoms such as coughing and sneezing.

Method 5: Appropriate taboos. When you have a sore throat, eat less spicy and fried food; when you have a cough, eat less citrus fruits, such as oranges and tangerines; when you have an upset stomach, you should not drink cold drinks and eat less greasy food.