Symptoms and care of baby teething


When the baby is 6 or 7 months old, the baby teeth will gradually grow in. When the baby is teething, the baby is often accompanied by symptoms such as drooling and irritability, and some babies lose their appetite due to the discomfort of teething. When your baby is teething, it is important to help your baby get through the uncomfortable teething period. In order to prevent mothers from not knowing how to take care of their babies when teething, new mothers should come to understand the symptoms of teething and how to care for them!

Symptoms of baby teething

Symptom 1: Biting. Teething babies may bite everything they see, from their own hands to their mother's nipples, and even the fingers of strangers, but this is because the little ones want to use biting to relieve the teething under their gums What about pressure.

Symptom 2: Drooling. Baby teeth especially stimulate the secretion of saliva, so when the baby grows to three or four months old, it will drool.

Symptom 3: A rash on the chin or face. Teeth can cause your baby to drool, and if your baby's chin and facial skin are in contact with saliva for a long time, allergies and rashes are likely to occur. To avoid this phenomenon, mothers should often wipe their baby's saliva.

Symptom 4: Slight cough. Teething stimulates saliva production, and too much saliva can make your baby nauseous or cough.

Symptom 5: Gum pain. Some babies experience red, swollen, and painful gums, especially when their first teeth and molars erupt. If your baby's gums have pus, or there is a fever around them, it means that the gums are infected, and you should seek medical attention in time.

Symptom 6: Crying. As the tip of the tooth gets closer to the top of the gum, the inflammation gets worse, and the constant pain can make the baby cry a lot.

Symptom 7: Refusing to eat. Babies often become restless while breastfeeding when teething. Ta may seem eager to suck because he really wants to put something in his mouth, but once he starts sucking, he will appear uninterested in sucking because the act of sucking can hurt his gums. Babies who have started to eat complementary foods also refuse to eat complementary foods, and mothers need to feed their babies breast milk or formula milk to supplement nutrition. If your baby is severely refusing to eat, take him to the doctor.

How to care for baby teeth

Method 1: Baby teething is generally painless, but some babies may feel uncomfortable and irritable. At this time, the mother can wrap the wet gauze on the clean fingers and gently massage the baby's gum tissue to relieve the baby's gum discomfort when teething.

Method 2: Babies who are teething will not get hot, but teething babies like to grab things and stuff them into their mouths, which can easily cause bacterial infection and even fever. If your baby has a fever during the rash, usually for other reasons, you should take him to the doctor.

Method 3: When the baby grows the first tooth, the mother should brush the baby's teeth. Twice a day is recommended, most importantly at night before bed. Mothers should use a gentle baby toothbrush, squeeze a small amount of toothpaste, and gently brush their baby's teeth. Be careful not to let your baby swallow the toothpaste.

Method 4: Babies often drool when teething, so mothers must not forget to wipe off the drool that comes out accidentally, keep the baby's face and neck dry, and avoid eczema.

Method 5: Mothers should be careful to use teether for their babies. Because teethers are generally chemical products, if the quality is not good, it is easy to cause harm to the baby. In addition, toothpaste has no taste and nutrition, and cannot meet the nutritional needs and flavor needs of baby food.

There are individual differences in how sooner or later a baby teething. Like height and weight, it has more to do with genetics. Experts said that as long as the child has no other problems, it will not affect the child sooner or later, and parents need not worry too much. If the baby has not sprouted for more than 12 months, it is abnormal and should be admitted to the hospital for relevant examinations.