What should I do about breast tenderness during pregnancy? How to prevent


What should I do with breast tenderness during pregnancy?

Breast tenderness during pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon during pregnancy and does not require special treatment. If the pain is severe, there are some treatments that can help relieve the pain symptoms:

Method 1: Choose the right bra

Due to the enlarged breasts, the original bra would constrict the breasts and make them uncomfortable. The right bra should be chosen according to the size of your breasts, which will reduce the feeling of swelling and pain. Choose a soft cotton bra with no stitches near your nipples, which will be more comfortable and breathable.

Method 2: Physical method

If the pain is severe, take the following steps to relieve breast tenderness during pregnancy

(1) Hot compress. Use a soft hot towel to warm up and gently wipe to relieve breast discomfort. It should be noted that breasts during this period are very fragile, and expectant mothers should move gently during breastfeeding to avoid damage to the nipples.

(2) Massage. Gently massage your breasts with your hands every day, which not only relieves discomfort, but also promotes breast development. But avoid prolonged hand massages or nipple pulling, especially in pregnant women who have had habitual miscarriages and premature births.


How to prevent breast tenderness during pregnancy

Breast tenderness during pregnancy is one of the physiological phenomena during pregnancy. There is no effective prevention method, but breast massage can effectively relieve breast pain during pregnancy. Pregnant women may wish to learn.

Prevention method 1: Breast massage:

1. Warm the entire breast with a hot towel. Place one hand on the other side of the breast, press the other hand on the hand, and press the center of the chest with both hands to massage the breast.

2. Put the fingers of both hands together under the breast, vibrate the entire breast from the root of the breast, and then massage the breast by pushing up with both hands.

3. Hold up the breast from below and push the breast up with both hands. When massaging, hold the entire breast with both hands, and the range of motion should be large. If you feel that the breast lump disappears from the pectoralis major muscle, do not knead randomly to avoid breast injury.

Prevention method two: Nipple massage:

1. Wash your hands, scrub the outside of the nipple to the base of the breast (clavicular) with soapy water, and wash the left and right breasts separately. The nipple should be washed with soap, so as not to wash off the protective oil on the outer layer, and at the same time pay attention to cleaning the scab.

2. After cleaning, massage the nipple with the middle finger and index finger from the base of the breast under the clavicle, and knead the nipple with the thumb and index finger to increase the toughness of the nipple.

3. When massaging, use the thumb and index finger of both hands to massage from the base of the breast to the nipple, 2 times a day, 20 times each time. You can use a blunt-tooth comb to gently comb from the root of the breast to the nipple, and it can also make the mammary ducts unobstructed, which is conducive to postpartum breastfeeding.