Causes of breast tenderness during pregnancy and how to care for it


We can imagine the joy of pregnant female friends, because pregnancy means a new life is coming, but there is also a certain bitterness in the joy. During pregnancy, many female friends will experience various panics in the first trimester, such as breast tenderness during pregnancy. Breast tenderness during pregnancy is the most common phenomenon in women during pregnancy, so what is the reason for breast tenderness in women during pregnancy, and how to care for breast tenderness in different stages of pregnancy?

Causes of breast tenderness during pregnancy

Breast tenderness during pregnancy is closely related to the secretion of progesterone during pregnancy. After pregnancy, due to the massive secretion of progesterone in the body, the breasts will continue to grow under the influence of progesterone and become firm and sensitive. At this time, not only the areola becomes larger, the color of the areola becomes darker, but also accompanied by a series of breast discomfort, such as itching, pain, etc. Especially as the gestational age continues to increase, the breast volume will also continue to increase. During the process of enlargement, the breast pain will become more and more serious due to the pulling of the breast ligaments. At this point, measures should be taken to relieve pain. When breast pain is more severe, you can use hot compresses to relieve the pain, but you must also know that there are 3 stages of breast care during pregnancy that need attention.

What is the difference in breast tenderness care during pregnancy?

Breast pain care in early pregnancy: Due to the gradual increase in hormone secretion in early pregnancy, the milk ducts are in the developing stage. When buying underwear, you should choose one size larger to protect your breasts and allow them to grow more comfortably, avoid tight underwear and pressure, aggravate pain, and help your breasts grow in the later stages.

Breast pain care in the second trimester: As the breasts continue to grow in the second trimester, the mammary glands secrete colostrum. At this time, it is necessary to clean the breasts and wipe the breasts with a towel every day. When using pregnancy skin care oil, apply the oil to your hands and gently massage your breasts to promote breast development and moisturise your breast skin.

Breast pain care in the third trimester: In the third trimester, the tissue will gradually increase, and the increase in fat cells will make the breasts more swollen. At this time, pregnant women will find that the nipples are sunken and need to be corrected in time. Sunken nipples will make breastfeeding impossible if steps are not taken. Pregnant women press both sides of the areola with their fingers every day, and use another finger to gently lift the nipple outward or push the milk up, down, left and right, so as to avoid too deep depression of the nipple.

In general, breast tenderness during pregnancy is a common and normal phenomenon. Pregnant women during pregnancy, do not be nervous when there is breast tenderness, keep a happy and relaxed mood, and take good breast care. I believe breast tenderness will gradually improve. Also, opt for comfortable cotton loose-fitting underwear. Better breast protection to avoid breast compression and injury. Loose and comfortable underwear can reduce breast pain and allow you to relax more.