Can I get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy? How to Prevent Ectopic Pregnancy


Ectopic pregnancy refers to the implantation and development of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity, such as fallopian tubes, ovaries, abdominal cavity, etc., among which fallopian tubes account for more than 95%, so it is usually called tubal pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is a common serious disease in obstetrics. It can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated promptly. Can you still get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy? How to prevent ectopic pregnancy? Let's take a look.

Can I still get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is very harmful to women, and the biggest concern of many ectopic pregnancy women is whether they will be able to get pregnant in the future. Under normal circumstances, re-pregnancy after ectopic pregnancy is affected by its own situation and the treatment method of ectopic pregnancy. If handled properly, re-pregnancy can be achieved. Otherwise, improper handling will affect future development, it is best to go to a regular hospital for ectopic pregnancy surgery.

Three cases of ectopic pregnancy

1. tubal pregnancy, the probability of re-pregnancy is relatively high.

2. After one side of the fallopian tube is removed, the other side is still normal and not damaged. There is also a chance of getting pregnant again.

3. When both fallopian tubes are abnormally diseased, natural fertility is impossible.

Generally speaking, you can get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy is cured, but you must first do a fallopian tube-related examination to confirm whether the fallopian tube can be unobstructed, and also check for gynecological inflammation and diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease. If it is a gynecological disease such as pelvic inflammatory disease, it is necessary to go to anti-inflammatory, otherwise there will be an ectopic pregnancy.

While it is still possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy, it is important to note that you cannot prepare for pregnancy immediately after an ectopic pregnancy. Otherwise, ectopic pregnancy may occur again, and the damage to the female body will deepen.

How to prevent ectopic pregnancy? The main preventive measures are as follows:

Preventive measures 1: timely treatment of reproductive system diseases

Inflammation is the main culprit in tubal stenosis, and intrauterine procedures such as induced abortion increase the chance of inflammation and the endometrium entering the fallopian tube, which in turn leads to tubal adhesions and stenosis, increasing the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. Reproductive disorders such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis may also alter the shape and function of the fallopian tubes. Prompt treatment of these diseases can reduce the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy.

Preventive measures 2: Health care for temporary first aid. After the diagnosis of tubal pregnancy, blood transfusion should be performed immediately to supplement the blood loss, and laparotomy should be performed to remove the lesions.

Preventive measures 3: Conservative treatment and health care for fertility preservation. For some mild patients, if there is not much internal bleeding, the general condition is good, and the non-surgical treatment plan of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine can be applied. Non-surgical treatment must also be carried out in the hospital, closely observe blood pressure and pulse, and make preparations for surgery in case it is too late for emergency rescue. If the condition does not improve, surgery should be performed immediately.

Preventive measures 4: Pregnancy and proper contraception. Choose a time when both parties are in good mood and physical condition to conceive. If you're not thinking about being a mom for a while, you must use birth control. Good contraceptive measures fundamentally prevent the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy.

Precaution 5: Attempted IVF. If an ectopic pregnancy has already occurred, the possibility of another ectopic pregnancy is enough to destroy a woman's confidence as a mother. In vitro fertilization is an option. After the sperm and egg are successfully combined outside the body, the fertilized egg can be returned to the mother's uterus for a safe pregnancy.

Preventive measures 6: Pay attention to hygiene during menstruation, puerperium and puerperium to prevent infection of the reproductive system. Identify the site of pregnancy as soon as possible after menopause and detect ectopic pregnancy in time.