The pros and cons of rocking your baby


There are a lot of new mothers in the 1990s. They advocate scientific parenting. In life, the elderly at home always want to hug the baby, especially when the baby is crying, they will even hold the baby and rock it up and down to try to comfort the baby. At this time, parenting conflicts emerged. The mother felt that she was not allowed to hold the baby and rock it. And the old man also thought: After all, Jiang is still old and spicy, and his parenting experience is also properly rich. So next, let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of holding your baby rocking.

So can you hold the baby and shake it?

The answer is yes! But you must pay attention to the degree and magnitude. Shaking lightly is fine, but shaking too hard or too hard can be dangerous for your baby.

What's the harm in holding the baby and shaking it too hard?

We all know that the baby's head occupies a large part of the body, and the neck muscles are not fully developed, so it is difficult to provide enough support for the head like us adults. If someone shakes the baby violently, the baby's head will lose control, and the brain tissue and the skull will collide with each other, which can easily rupture the capillaries and cause intracranial hemorrhage.

The baby will have symptoms such as coma and nausea, which will seriously affect the baby's intellectual development, and may even lead to death. Therefore, parents must remember not to shake the baby violently, or toss the baby up forcibly.

What are the benefits of gently holding the baby and shaking it?

Benefit 1: Promote the development of baby's vestibular sense

In fact, babies love to be rocked gently. In the mother's womb, the mother's every move will also affect the amniotic fluid to gently shake the baby. Appropriate shaking is conducive to the development of baby's vestibular sense. Babies with poor vestibular sleep have poor balance, fall easily, get motion sickness, and have trouble concentrating.

Benefit 2: Helps to soothe the baby and help the baby fall asleep

Gently shaking will make the baby feel back in the mother's womb, feel safe, and gradually stabilize his mood, which will help him fall asleep quickly.

Benefit 3: Help the baby learn to walk later

By exercising vestibular sense, your sense of balance will be enhanced and your baby will learn to walk more easily.

Benefit 4: Promote the development of baby's motor ability

New parents can hold their baby so that the baby's body is close to theirs, and then gently rotate or gently rock in a rhythmic manner. Don't shake vigorously and be patient with your baby.