How to raise African Phoenix fish?


The appearance of the African Phoenix fish is very attractive, but unlike most ornamental fish, the coloration of the female African Phoenix fish will be more popular than that of the male. Because male African anchovies are more aggressive, aquarists need to pay attention to domestication and environmental arrangements when mixing.

Scientific name: African phoenix fish

Door: Chordate

Maximum body length: 20cm

Water quality: pH8.0-8.5

Hardness: 9.0-19.0°dGH

African Phoenix fish appearance characteristics

Female African Phoenix fish are more popular than males for body color. Females have three parallel colors of black, white, and yellow, but males are brown rather than golden.

Juveniles of the African Phoenix fish are bright yellow with two young black stripes extending from the snout to the caudal fin on the upper part of the body. The African Phoenix fish also has black stripes on its dorsal fin. Adult females retain this color characteristic, while males become dark blue-black with metallic light blue stripes on the side from the trailing edge of the operculum to the end of the caudal peduncle.

This fish has a strong sense of territory. Juveniles can be polycultured, males often fight, so polyculture requires larger aquariums and more sheltered places, such as water plants and rocks, to allow vulnerable fish to hide, and adults should be kept alone. This fish is a mouth-breeding fish, so reproduction is simple. The age of sexual maturity of the parent fish is 6 months. The male fish has a marriage color, the body color changes to gray-black, the dorsal fin is yellow, and the side of the body is black with light blue; the abdomen of the female fish is enlarged and the body color is slightly lighter.

Points for raising African Phoenix fish

The African Phoenix fish is an omnivorous fish whose reproductive characteristic is oviparous. Because male fish like to fight, if it is mixed, be sure to arrange some water plants, rocks and other landscaping for the fish to avoid.

Feeding African Phoenix fish can be fed artificial feed or live bait. During hatching, the female cannot feed, so she constantly pulsates her gills to increase the oxygen in her mouth. When the juveniles are swimming, the female will immediately release the juveniles in her mouth if it is in danger. After 1 to 2 weeks, the juveniles grow up, and the females can be fished out at this time. Females lay 30 to 60 eggs at a time.