What to do with sudden asthma?


Asthma is a disease with sudden, refractory, and recurrent characteristics. If the treatment is not timely and standardized, asthma may be fatal. It not only has a great impact on the life and work of patients, but also puts patients at risk anytime, anywhere. Therefore, we must learn more about the relief measures for sudden asthma. What are the actions and first aid measures?


What actions can relieve sudden asthma?

1. Bronchospasm constriction, narrowing of the airway, patients tend to compensate by increasing the respiratory rate and mobilizing auxiliary respiratory muscles. People with sudden asthma can use relaxation breathing exercises to help relax the auxiliary respiratory muscles and restore the abdominal breathing pattern.

2, neck relaxation: relax the auxiliary breathing muscles of the neck. Take a standing or sitting position, with your hands hanging down naturally and your head naturally straight. Inhale, stretch your head as far back as possible; exhale, restore; inhale, bend your head forward as far as possible; exhale, restore. Asthma patients need to pay attention to each stretch and flexion movement to the maximum extent, so that the muscles are fully stretched, and when restoring the movement, pay attention to fully relax the muscles just exercised.

3. Relax the shoulders: Promote the relaxation of the auxiliary respiratory muscles of the shoulders. Take a seated or standing position. Sudden asthma patients need to place their hands on their dantian naturally. What are some exercises that can relieve a sudden asthma attack? Inhale, slowly lift the shoulders to the maximum; exhale, gradually relax the shoulders, try to sag the shoulders as much as possible, and press the abdomen with your hands at the end of the exhalation to help the residual gas discharge.

4. Breast expansion: expand the thorax and relax the thoracic muscles. Sudden asthma patients take a standing or sitting position with their hands crossed behind the waist. Inhale, stretch your shoulders back as far as possible, and hold for a few seconds; exhale, restore, relax your muscles, and do it several times can effectively relieve the symptoms of asthma.


The following emergency measures can also be taken for sudden asthma:

First-aid measures 1. Let the asthmatic patient sit down or lie down, or let them kneel on the bed with a pillow. At this time, the asthmatic patient's waist should be kept leaning forward, which is conducive to breathing.

First aid measures 2. During moderate or severe asthma attacks, due to airway obstruction and insufficient alveolar ventilation, the body is obviously hypoxic, and oxygen must be supplemented in time. Oxygen should be given as soon as possible when asthma patients have severe breathing difficulties, bruised lips and nails. The family members quickly took out the home oxygen bottle and inhaled the patient through a nasal cannula or a mask with a high flow of oxygen of 3L per minute.

First aid measures 3. Immediately let the asthmatic patients inhale the spare asthma spray at hand. For the dosage, please refer to the instruction manual of the dosage form. General salbutamol or salbutamol (Chuanloning) aerosol inhalation, press 1-2 sprays, no more than 6-8 sprays per day. Oral Chuanloning, 2-4 mg each time, 3 times a day.

First aid measures 4. Pay attention to the warmth of asthma patients, the environment is quiet, and encourage them to cooperate with treatment.

First aid measures five, to ensure indoor ventilation, the air is fresh, but there is no wind. Avoid irritating gases such as kerosene, smoke, paint, etc. in the room.

First aid measures 6. For the first attack of moderate or above asthma, you can call the "120" emergency center for help, and ask the emergency doctor to come to the rescue. After the condition is stable, the patient is escorted to the hospital for treatment.

Experts say that asthma patients must be accompanied by their family members when they go out, so that they can not only get effective treatment in the event of a sudden attack, but also avoid fainting.
