What are some tips for drawing eyebrows?


Makeup is the biggest hurdle for girls because their eyebrows are often poorly drawn. Even if many girls don't like makeup, they will insist on thrushing their eyebrows, because if they are painted well, they will have a completely different face. The 9 tips for thrushing eyebrows shared today, I hope girls can study hard, learn the tricks of thrushing eyebrows, let you have beautiful and clean eyebrows, and say goodbye to the eyebrows of "Crayon Shinchan".


The trick 1 of thrushing eyebrows: Before thrushing eyebrows, you must first understand your face shape.

Round face, square face, oval face, etc. have their own unique characteristics. Find your own face first, and then draw your eyebrows, so that you can draw your own eyebrow shape and make up for the defects of the face shape to some extent!

The trick 2 of thrushing eyebrows: learn how to trim eyebrows

Use eyebrows and scissors as eyebrow trimming tools, apply a hot towel for 5 minutes before trimming to make the pores as large as possible, and then apply some body lotion when trimming eyebrows.


Trick 3 of thrush: Clean up the tools used

To remove makeup before eyebrow trimming, and then use toner to clean the skin around the eyebrows a second time, which can reduce pain and damage to pores. In addition to cleaning the eyebrows after eyebrow trimming, you should also pay attention to cleaning tools. For women who often use tweezers to trim eyebrows, they must use sterilized tweezers, because unclean tweezers will cause bacterial infection, and symptoms such as acne and redness will appear.


Trick 4 of thrush 4: Choose the right thrush product

For beginners or women with more complete eyebrows, you can choose to use eyebrow powder, which is more natural; for women with thin eyebrows, you can use an eyebrow pencil to outline the entire eyebrow shape.

Trick 5 of thrushing eyebrows: add a layer of "raincoat" when thrushing eyebrows

One trick can solve the troubles of eyebrow makeup removal. Eyebrow makeup removal will make your eyes and makeup look "dirty". Girls who are not easy to remove makeup should also use loose powder before and after makeup. For those girls who are easy to take off makeup, in the process of makeup, you can use a special "raincoat" to paint the eyebrows.


The trick to thrushing eyebrows 6: Changing eyebrow shape

What to do if the eyebrows are slender? If you can't trim your eyebrows correctly, you can also use an eyebrow pencil to improve your brow shape. Remember to use it a few times less, and then use eyebrow powder to smudge. When smudged, add an eyebrow brush, which will make your eyebrows look better. Look more natural and prettier!

The trick 7 of thrushing eyebrows: the color of eyebrows and hair should be coordinated

Girls who have dyed hair should pay attention to this. They can dye their eyebrows with eyebrow dyeing cream, which will not only coordinate the color, but also make the makeup more coordinated, and the eyebrows will be more three-dimensional!


The trick 8 of thrushing eyebrows: pay attention to the time of eyebrow trimming

The skin after the bath is the most suitable for eyebrow trimming, because the temperature of the bath will open the pores of the eyebrows, which can reduce the pain of eyebrow trimming. In addition, the eyebrows should be trimmed from the bottom to the top, so as not to accidentally cut off the eyebrow peak.

Trick 9 of thrushing eyebrows: make corrections after painting is broken

If you accidentally draw thick eyebrows, you can use a cotton swab to adjust, starting from the eyebrows and rubbing back, the eyebrows can be slightly thicker, but the color should be lighter, which can make up for it better.

Women should learn to trim and thrush their eyebrows well, and even if they don't wear makeup, they should draw their eyebrows beautifully. Have you learned to read these few tricks for thrushing eyebrows? Learn the tricks of thrushing eyebrows, let us say goodbye to the embarrassed "Crayon Shinchan" eyebrows, and draw a pair of fresh and beautiful eyebrows for you!