Thighs are "early warning signs" of cervical cancer?


The cervix, also known as the cervix, is one of the important tissues and organs in the female reproductive system. It is an important tissue responsible for human metabolism. The cervix is ​​located in the lower part of the uterus, the upper end is connected to the uterus, and the lower end is deep into the vagina. Uterus. It is the "protective cover" of the uterus. In many cases, viruses and bacteria are easy to stay in the cervix, causing a series of cervical diseases. Women do not want to have problems with the cervix, so they must learn to carefully maintain the cervix in life.

You know, if the cervix has lesions, the uterus will also be affected, and it may even affect life and health. In life, many women have some behaviors that hurt the cervix, which will undoubtedly increase the risk of HPV infection, lead to the occurrence of cervical lesions, and may affect fertility and affect the surrounding tissues.

The thigh is the "early warning" of cervical cancer? If there are 3 abnormalities, it is recommended to check as soon as possible

1. The thigh becomes swollen

The cervix is ​​located on the upper part of the thigh. When infected with the HPV virus, the female cervix will have lesions. At this time, the surrounding tissues and organs will also be affected. The lesions will continue to squeeze the capillaries, resulting in poor blood circulation in the thigh. Swelling will occur, which should be noticed by women.

2. The inner thigh turns black

If cervical cancer occurs, there is already a problem with the normal metabolism of the female body, and more toxins and metabolites will remain in the body. This will be reflected in the human epidermis for a long time, and the inner thighs will turn black, and If the darkening of the thighs does not improve for a long time, women must seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

3. Thigh pain

After the female cervix has lesions, the lesions will continue to grow larger. At this time, the surrounding tissue nerves will undoubtedly be squeezed, and when the thigh nerves are squeezed, pain will also occur. However, the pain in the thigh is not obvious at first, but as the disease worsens, the pain will become more and more obvious, and even limp when walking.

Is the cervix good? You can also see 2 places

1. Female lower body secretions are also called leucorrhea. Normal secretions are colorless and odorless. However, if you find that the secretions turn yellow or cyan for a certain period of time, don’t be careless at this time, it may be caused by cervical lesions, which may lead to abnormal secretion, and you need to do screening in time.

2. The complexion of normal women is ruddy, but if the complexion turns black, they are always unable to lift their spirits. At this time, they should also pay attention, because after the cervix has lesions, the uterine metabolism will be abnormal, and the women's complexion will be found at this time. significantly different from normal people.

How to maintain the cervix? It is recommended to do these two points

1. In terms of diet, it is necessary to eat less spicy and stimulating food, and supplement more foods containing vitamins, selenium and trace elements. The more common ones are tomatoes, apples, oranges, fungi, eggs, milk, etc., and can also be supplemented in moderation Some vitamins C and B, help to quickly boost immunity, speed up the removal of viruses, and protect the cervix.

2. Life lies in exercise. If you want to be healthy, exercise is indispensable. Therefore, it is recommended to exercise more at ordinary times and take about 30 minutes of exercise every day. It can not only promote blood circulation and body metabolism, protect the cervix, but also adhere to It can also help boost immunity.