Why is the private part exhausted?


Many women have had this experience:

One: Sometimes I just sit quietly, lie down, or do a simple movement, such as raising my legs, and the private parts suddenly start to "fart", and even fluids flow out, accompanied by embarrassing sound.

Two: When I was enjoying the pleasure of fish and water, I suddenly made a "puff puff" sound from my private parts.

Why is the private part exhausted?

Let’s first explain how sound is produced: sound is caused by the vibration of objects to generate sound waves, which propagate through the medium and are heard by people to form sound.

Back to "farting" in female private parts.

Usually due to the pressure of the abdomen and the negative pressure inside the vagina, the front and rear walls of the vagina are in a fit state, and there is only a very small amount of air in the vagina.

However, when sexual life occurs (especially individual positions, such as the rear entry position), it is easy to enter the air during the male penis thrusting; when doing yoga, running and jumping, the air may also get into the vagina and accumulate.

When the penis re-enters the female vagina or does some actions to increase the abdominal pressure, the gas in the vagina will quickly rush out due to the pressure, causing the surrounding air to vibrate and form a sound, just like a fart.

Therefore, in most cases, it is normal to "fart" in the private parts. The ancients referred to this vocal female vaginal discharge as vaginal blowing. It was first seen in the ancient Chinese medicine book "Golden Chamber Yaolue Fang Lun", that is, the woman's vagina is always venting, or the gas is audible, and it looks like a arrow.


The cause of female private parts exhaust may indeed be caused by some diseases.

Is it because the female private parts are loose? It may or may not be.

There are 3 types of vaginal discharge that can occur due to illness:

1. Laxity of the vaginal wall or pelvic floor in women

When pelvic floor relaxation and vaginal wall relaxation occur, there are indeed a small number of women who will experience the symptoms of private parts exhaust. The main symptoms are lumbosacral pain or abdominal sagging, and there will be changes in bowel and bladder habits, such as frequent urination, leakage Urine, dysuria, constipation, etc. However, there is no evidence that vaginal flatting occurs with increased pelvic floor or vaginal wall relaxation.

2. Female vaginal inflammation

There are a variety of microorganisms coexisting in the vagina, which are in a dynamic ecological balance under normal circumstances and do not cause disease. But if the microecological balance is disrupted, vaginal infections may occur. Vaginal discharge is possible when some gas-producing bacteria grow in abundance. However, the main symptoms of vaginitis are genital itching and changes in the color and smell of leucorrhea.

3. Female rectovaginal fistula

Women who have vaginal rectal malformations or experience birth trauma may develop rectovaginal fistulas, which may cause gas to be discharged from the vagina. However, this disease is very rare, and the main symptom is the leakage of feces from the vagina.

Therefore, most of the female vaginal exhaust is a normal phenomenon, and it is not the main symptom of some diseases, and it is not used as a symptom to judge the disease.

Vaginal exhaust, how do you know whether to treat it or not?


When there is vaginal discharge in women, don't panic. Simple vaginal discharge, such as changes in sexual position, high leg raising, stretching, etc., cause no other symptoms, and it does not smell. This is a normal physiological phenomenon and does not require treatment. .

However, if vaginal flatulence occurs frequently and is indeed accompanied by the other symptoms mentioned above, such as severe decreased quality of sexual life, backache, lower abdominal pain, changes in bowel and bladder habits and other clinical manifestations of vaginal pelvic floor relaxation; or genital itching, leucorrhea Clinical manifestations of vaginitis such as changes in color, smell, and character; or inducing factors such as congenital malformations and birth injuries, and clinical manifestations of vaginal rectal fistula such as fecal discharge from the lower vagina, treatment for the primary disease is required.