How to prevent baby food poisoning?


Sometimes, due to negligence or lack of understanding of certain knowledge, Mommy will inappropriately eat certain foods for the baby, resulting in Food poisoning damages and threatens the health and life of babies. How to protect the baby from these hazards, Mommy had better master some preventive methods and first aid methods at ordinary times——
Method 1. Bacterial food poisoning prevention method
Causes of baby poisoning:
Bacterial food poisoning is the most common food poisoning. Common bacteria include salmonella, staphylococcus, halophilic bacteria and botulinum toxin. Food poisoning mostly occurs from May to October every year, usually caused by the baby eating food contaminated with bacteria. It is more common in the deterioration of food raw materials, such as fish, meat, eggs, poultry and other foods, due to poor processing, transportation, storage, preservation, etc., resulting in deterioration; the food is not cooked and thoroughly cooked, such as whole chicken and whole duck. raw; raw aquatic products, cold dishes are not washed, etc.
Baby poisoning performance:
* Salmonella poisoning manifestations
Most of them show symptoms of acute gastroenteritis, the incubation period is generally 12 hours, and the onset occurs within a few hours. Nausea, unwillingness to eat, general weakness, headache, chills and other discomforts appear at first, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, and stools with a smelly yellow-green watery stool.
* Manifestations of staphylococcal food poisoning
The onset is ferocious, and the incubation period is only 2-4 hours. Most of the symptoms are gastritis. The symptoms of enteritis are mild, so the vomiting is heavy, the number of diarrhea is not many, and the stool is loose or watery. Usually, the condition recovers quickly, but if not rescued in time, it can also cause dehydration, collapse, and even life-threatening.
* Symptoms of halophilic food poisoning
The incubation period is about 10 hours, but the shortest one can develop the disease in 1 hour. Symptoms are very similar to acute gastroenteritis, mainly severe abdominal pain in the upper abdomen or around the navel, mostly episodic colic poisoning. Diarrhea is initially mostly watery stools, or watery stools, and gradually becomes pus and bloody stool poisoning.
Baby Poisoning Prevention Memo:
* Be sure to go to regular shopping malls to buy tested meat, eggs, fish, shrimp and vegetables and fruits.
* After buying raw fish, raw shrimp or crab, pay attention to refrigerating and freezing, and wash with plenty of water before cooking.
* Do not eat half-cooked fish, shrimp, and crab, and eat them as soon as possible once they are cooked.
* When cooking, it is best to cook and eat immediately, no leftovers, which are easy to be poisoned. If leftovers should be refrigerated, especially meat, and it should not be refrigerated for too long. When eating, it should be fully heated.
* When making food, pay attention to the separation of raw and cooked containers, knives, and cases, and wash fruits and cold dishes.
* You can add some vinegar to the salad to play the role of disinfection and bacteriostasis.  
2. Ginkgo poisoning
Causes of baby poisoning:
The ginkgo pulp is fragrant and glutinous, and it can also relieve cough and asthma. In the fruitful autumn, Mommy will let the baby eat too much and become poisoned, or the baby will eat it by himself. As everyone knows, ginkgo acid and ginkgo diacid contained in raw ginkgo are not only strongly stimulating to the skin and mucous membranes, but also toxic to the nervous system of the human body. Generally, children can be poisoned by eating 5-10 of them.
Baby poisoning performance:
The incubation period is about a few hours to more than ten hours before the onset of the disease. In addition to nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, the baby often has headaches and screams due to damage to the nervous system. Twitching of the limbs will be caused by slight sound stimulation. Performance. Moreover, the disease develops rapidly. If treatment is not carried out in time, severely poisoned patients often die within 1-2 days.
Baby Poisoning Prevention Memo:
Do not give your baby too much ginkgo, and usually educate the baby not to pick raw ginkgo to eat.
After the ginkgo is heated, the ginkgo acid and ginkgo diacid contained in it will be decomposed, so the toxicity of the cooked ginkgo is less.
3. Lychee poisoning
Causes of baby poisoning:
Although lychees are delicious, juicy and delicious, lychee poisoning often occurs in the season when a large number of lychees are marketed each year. If you eat a lot of lychees, the α-methylene cyclopropyl glycine contained in lychees will cause the baby's blood sugar to be too low, and the liver will have steatosis. .
Baby poisoning performance:
Dizziness, pale complexion, and profuse sweating poisoning often occur suddenly the next morning. If not rescued in time, coma, convulsions, decreased blood pressure, and respiratory failure can occur within minutes.
Baby Poisoning Prevention Memo:
This disease is prone to repeated poisoning, so you must pay attention to the appropriate amount of lychees for babies, and do not eat too much.
4. Lentils Poisoning
Causes of poisoning:
Lentils, also known as kidney beans and green beans, are a common dish on the table. But lentils contain a lectin, a toxic protein, and some lentils also contain hemolysin in their pods. Although these two toxic substances will be destroyed when they encounter high heat, if the lentils are not thoroughly cooked or fried during cooking, or if the lentils are used as a dish when eating cold noodles in summer, it is easy to eat only by blanching them with water. cause poisoning.
Poisoning manifestations:
Eating undercooked lentils usually causes poisoning in about 1 to 1.5 hours. At first, it is only a little nausea, and then there may be continuous vomiting, accompanied by abdominal pain, headache, dizziness and other poisoning manifestations.
Poisoning Prevention Memo:
* When cooking with lentils, you must pay attention to the method of thoroughly cooking or frying, especially using lentils for cold noodles, so as to avoid the poisoning of toxins that are not completely destroyed by high temperature.
* Generally speaking, stewing lentils for a longer time is relatively safe to eat.
5. Soymilk poisoning
Causes of poisoning:
Soy milk is a healthy food that many people eat regularly. But if the soy milk is not fully boiled, the soy raw material contains a toxic trypsin inhibitor. Once it enters the body, it will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract of the human body and inhibit the activity of pepsin, resulting in poisoning.
Poisoning manifestations:
Gastrointestinal discomfort such as nausea and vomiting will generally occur within half an hour to 1 hour after drinking soy milk that is not fully boiled. If the amount of drinking is not large, the symptoms of discomfort can be quickly improved, but if the amount of drinking is large, there will be more serious symptoms of poisoning.
Prevention Memo:
Although the toxic substances in soy milk are relatively heat-resistant, they will also be destroyed by heating. Therefore, when processing soy milk at home, it must be fully heated and thoroughly boiled before drinking it for the baby.
Take your baby to drink soy milk outside, choose a formal restaurant for dinner, and do not go to an informal or unlicensed small shop on the street, so as not to cause poisoning.