Flower arrangement and preservation tips


In order to decorate the indoor environment and make the room more beautiful, people often go to the street to buy some flowers to make flower arrangements and put them at home. However, the viewing period of flower arrangements is short, and it is a headache for us to prolong their blooming cycle for preservation. question. Here are some tips on how to keep flowers fresh.

Selection of flower arrangement materials


When making flower arrangements, choosing the right material for flower arrangements is the first step in the preservation method. First of all, the time to enjoy and preserve the freshness of different flowers is different. Some flowers can be admired for a long time, while others are slightly shorter. It is appropriate to choose flower materials that keep for a longer time for flower arrangement. Secondly, it is necessary to choose flowers that are not fully open, generally 7/8% of the flowers are open, and it is best to have flower buds.

Flower arrangement to grasp the timing

The flower arrangement should be cut when the buds are ready to be released, and the branches should be cut after flowering, otherwise the flowers will wither quickly and the flowering period will be short. Cut flowers should be cut in the morning, insert them into the water while cutting, and put them in a cool place to prevent exposure to the sun to reduce transpiration and water loss. Also choose seasonal flowers. Choosing seasonal flowers can save you some money and can make your flower arrangements look more timely, especially for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, and special birthday parties.

Cutting processing of flower arrangement


For lignified or thicker branches, such as plum blossoms, wax plums, magnolias, crape myrtle, etc., when arranging flowers at the bottom 3 cm of the base of the branches, use a hammer to break or crack more to expand the water absorption surface. For hard and brittle flowering branches such as crape myrtle and woodsy, the base end is broken to maintain more and complete conduction tissue, which can increase water absorption.

Flower arrangement preservation method


Scorching or scalding: This method refers to burning the ends of the trimmed flower branches with fire, or directly placing them in boiling water, so that the ends of the flowers are less susceptible to infection and mildew, and will not affect the water supply. , to keep the flowers fresh for a little longer.

End breaking: This method refers to breaking the end of the flower into several parts and embedding small sand grains, which can expand the area of ​​water absorption and prolong the preservation time.

Cold water first aid: This method is to cut off a part of the lower end of the flower that has begun to wilt, put it in cold water, only expose the flower head to the water surface, soak it for a period of time, and the flower will recover.

Use flower arrangement preservative: In this method, some preservatives are put on flower arrangement to keep fresh. There are still many preservatives that can be used, such as aspirin or potassium permanganate, boric acid, salt, and vitamins, etc., which can properly maintain the flowering period.

The following are for different types of flowers, according to the nature of the flower, there are specific flower arrangement reference methods:

White orchid: Wrap it with a damp cloth at night and uncover it during the day, which can delay the withering time of the flower for 2-3 days.

Hibiscus flowers: first insert into hot water for a minute or two, then into cold water.

Dahlias: Immerse the cuttings in hot water for a moment, then in cold water.

Peonies: Soak the cut in hot water first, then insert in cold water.

Camellia: Best inserted in light salt water.

Lily: Insert into sugar water for best effect.

Gardenia: Add 1-2 drops of fresh gravy to the water.

Plum blossoms: Cut the cut into a cross shape and dip in water.

Chrysanthemum: Adding a small amount of urea or soil leaching solution to the clear water used to raise chrysanthemum (the liquid filtered by adding fertilizer and soil) can make the chrysanthemum in the bottle wither for up to 30 days, which is more than ten days longer than using ordinary water.