Sweat steaming tips


Sweat is a well-known way of keeping healthy. Many people like to go to the steam room, and it also has a lot of effects on our body. So how often is it better to steam? What is the best time to sweat? Let me answer it for you below.


How often is it better to sweat

Generally, it is better to do it once every 1-2 weeks, about 20 minutes to half an hour is enough. Sweat steaming is a good health care method, which can expand the pores of the whole body and act on the metabolism of waste in the body. Sweat steam can relieve fatigue and relieve symptoms. But the time should not be too long. When you sweat, you will sweat a lot. Because the air is closed, people will also feel stuffy, which is very unfavorable to the human coronary arteries, the anterior circulation and the posterior circulation of the human brain. Don't go to a ventilated place immediately after sweating, but stay in a relatively mild room, wait for the sweat to drain out and the skin pores to return to normal before you can exercise outdoors. And people should pay attention to drink plenty of water when sweating to ensure sufficient perfusion of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular.


The best time for sweat steaming

For sports such as sweating, many people think that it is colder in winter, so it is the most suitable time for people to do it, but in fact this is not the case. For our human body, it is necessary to follow the natural It is carried out regularly. It is very suitable for tonic in winter, and it is more suitable for us to detox in summer. In winter, many people go to sweat and steam, mainly because the weather is cold in winter, so we say Everyone likes to go to the steam room to warm themselves, and it is hot in summer, so many people don't like steam, but the effect is the best in summer. In the morning, because the pores of our human body are in an open state, it is not suitable for us to bathe and sweat in the morning, and at noon, we usually have to eat lunch, and There are still many people who choose to take a nap after lunch, and it is not suitable to do so at this time, so the best time is after 4 pm, which is the most suitable time for us to steam. And after nine o'clock in the evening, every organ in our body will start to detoxify in an orderly manner, and from nine o'clock to eleven o'clock in the evening, this is the time when the human lymphatic immune system is detoxifying. It is most suitable for people to sleep and rest, and is not suitable for sweating.


Precautions for sweat steaming

1. A few minutes before sweating, you should exercise moderately, adjust your breathing, and take deep breaths repeatedly. After half an hour, you can lie down or sit on your back. You should maintain a good attitude and relax your mind and body during the experience.

2. If you feel dizzy and uncomfortable, stop sweating immediately.

3. It is not advisable to take a shower within six hours after steaming, do not smoke within two hours, and do not eat cold food.

Fourth, the time of each steaming is 45-60 minutes, which should be adjusted appropriately according to the individual's own tolerance.

5. After sweating, you need to replenish water in time, and try not to wipe off the sweat on your body.

Six, do not drink immediately after meals.


The efficacy and effect of sweat steaming on people

The main effects of sweating on people are as follows:

1. It has the effect of improving elastic constitution, and has a very good effect on people with poor sleep. It can effectively treat neurasthenia and improve the state of sub-health.

2. Has a strong repairing effect and can promote cell regeneration.

3. Relieve the effect of arthritis and gastroenteritis. It has a good effect on chronic bronchitis.

4. It can enhance human immunity and promote wound healing.

5. The function of accelerating the blood circulation of the human body and opening the environment in the human body. Proper steaming has certain health benefits. For people with poor health and deficiency of qi and blood, sweat steaming can activate the yang qi on the body surface, increase the operation of qi and blood, thereby strengthening the body's metabolism, and has the effect of dispelling wind and cold, and dredging meridians and collaterals. Through sweat steaming, it can also improve the stiffness and tension of local muscles, so that the surface of the body can be relieved after sweating, and the symptoms of cold hands and feet can be improved. For patients with heavy dampness in the body, proper sweat steaming also has the effect of removing dampness in the body.