Precautions while taking aspirin and atorvastatin calcium


It is well known that aspirin and atorvastatin are standard drugs for the treatment of thrombosis, and they have also achieved good results in many clinical treatment of thrombosis. However, the pharmacological mechanisms of the two drugs are different. Atorvastatin is generally used to prevent plaque growth and rupture, while the main effect of aspirin is to prevent thrombosis after plaque rupture.
So what are the specific effects of aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium? Will there be any side effects when taking it for a long time? What should be paid attention to when taking it? Today, the doctor will tell you in detail after reading this This article believes that you will have a deeper understanding of these two drugs.
1. What are the effects of aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium
Aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium can be used to prevent and treat plaque to achieve the purpose of treating blood clots. Therefore, before introducing the specific mechanism of action of the two drugs, we must first understand what is thrombosis.
Thrombosis usually refers to the continuous flow of blood flow to form a single blood clot at the peeling of the inner wall of the cardiovascular blood vessel. Thrombosis is caused by an imbalance in the regulation of blood coagulation. When blood flows, it may cause some substances in the blood to deposit on the blood vessel wall and eventually lead to plaque formation over time. Disturbance of the balance of the body's coagulation-anticoagulation mechanism during coagulation may also lead to thrombosis due to platelet deposition. If blood clots, especially plaques, appear in blood vessels such as arteries, veins, and capillaries due to platelet deposition and other reasons, the accumulation of cells will increase and become more prone to thrombosis. Especially for people with tumors, heart failure, diabetes, vascular hyperplasia and other diseases, they are more likely to generate blood plaques and should pay more attention to the prevention of thrombosis. Aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium tablets are often used to treat blood clots.
Atorvastatin calcium tablets are mainly used to reduce fat content and are often used to maintain the stability of high cholesterol levels. Functions include breaking down and synthesizing cholesterol to inhibit aortic atherosclerosis, preventing the attack of low-density protein synthesis receptors in the human liver, and reducing the formation of blood clots.
These two drugs are often used to treat thrombosis, especially in the treatment of patients with cerebral thrombosis, the intervention of atorvastatin calcium tablets and aspirin enteric-coated tablets can achieve obvious therapeutic effects. It can not only promote the improvement of the patient's neurological function and reduce the level of various blood lipid indicators in the patient, but also help to improve and control the thrombosis of the patient.
So what are the symptoms of long-term use of aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium tablets?
Second, what happens to long-term oral administration of aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium
Although the two drugs have significant effects on the treatment of thrombosis, long-term use of aspirin enteric-coated tablets may cause damage to the upper and lower gastrointestinal mucosa. May cause for example indigestion or abdominal pain. If the patient wants to take this medicine for a long time, it is necessary to use some medicines that can suppress acid and protect the stomach under the guidance of the doctor. Avoid possible very serious gastrointestinal reactions leading to stomach problems. Secondly, long-term use of aspirin enteric-coated tablets may also lead to the occurrence of liver failure. Therefore, patients taking aspirin must regularly check the indicators of liver function to prevent the occurrence of liver disease.
Regular use of atorvastatin calcium tablets is also very harmful to the intestines. Like aspirin, atorvastatin calcium also stimulates the intestinal tract, thereby causing damage to the human gastrointestinal mucosa and eventually leading to intestinal diseases. Although atorvastatin calcium tablets are very effective in the treatment of thrombosis, the harm caused is not small, so if there is a slight adverse reaction, you must stop taking it and seek medical attention in time.
So what are the specific precautions when taking aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium? Finally, let's talk about this important point that patients who are taking aspirin and atorvastatin must pay attention to.
Third, pay attention to these matters when taking aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium
Pay attention to monitoring physical health
Patients who take aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium for a long time must pay attention to regular health monitoring. Once symptoms appear, the drug must be stopped as soon as possible and the doctor must be communicated in time. At the same time, if you need to take other drugs while taking aspirin enteric-coated tablets or atorvastatin calcium, you should ask your doctor in advance whether the drugs can be taken at the same time. In addition, regular monitoring of blood lipids to understand their own blood lipid levels can better treat diseases. For example, taking atorvastatin calcium tablets as an example, blood lipid levels are usually checked four weeks after taking the drug to see if the low-density protein cholesterol level has dropped to the desired level. When this level is reached, it is also necessary to check every six months or every year to confirm the control of blood lipids by the drug.
Pay attention to the safety of long-term medication
It is vital that the drug works correctly in the long run. Common adverse reactions of atorvastatin include headache, gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms. The human body can usually gradually increase the tolerance of these adverse symptoms with the extension of the medication time. Adverse reactions such as increased transaminases, muscle pain, and increased blood sugar may also be caused by taking atorvastatin. There is also a high risk of bleeding symptoms if you take aspirin enteric-coated tablets for a long time. Such as bleeding gums, digestive system bleeding, skin and epidermis bleeding are typical bleeding symptoms. Aspirin enteric-coated tablets as anti-angiogenic tablets can increase the risk of bleeding in other parts, which is a common feature of anti-angiogenic drugs. The safety of aspirin in most cases is guaranteed long-term. However, when taking the drug, the dosage of the drug must be adjusted in time to avoid greater risks.
Taking medicine and doing well in life conditioning intervention
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, quitting and improving some bad habits are more helpful in preventing thrombosis. Therefore, for patients who really need to take aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium, they should try to maintain a healthy lifestyle in their daily life in addition to long-term medication under the premise of ensuring safety.
Patients should try their best to have a reasonable diet, avoid high-salt, high-fat, and high-sugar, strengthen exercise, quit smoking, limit alcohol, control weight, maintain a good sleep, and maintain a peaceful and optimistic attitude. This can not only strengthen the prevention of cardiovascular risk but also improve the effectiveness of the drug and further reduce the risk of adverse drug reactions.
IV. Summary
In short, aspirin enteric-coated tablets and atorvastatin calcium tablets have significant effects on preventing thrombosis and plaque formation, and are often used as the first choice for the treatment of thrombosis. However, you should also pay attention to the side effects when taking it. Therefore, you must pay attention to the dosage and monitoring of your health when taking the drug. If you have any discomfort after taking the medicine, you must stop the medicine as soon as possible.