Common knowledge of eating bird's nest


Bird's nest is a skin care product that we are all familiar with. It is very good for women, but few people know how to do it, so let's learn about the common sense of eating bird's nest.

How long does it take for bird's nest to soak in water before stewing

It only needs to be soaked in water for four to six hours. The soaking time has a lot to do with the material. The bird's nest needs enough time to expand and the taste is soft. If the time is not enough, the finished bird's nest is not fluffy enough. White bird's nest is generally soaked for about 4 hours, and blood bird's nest is soaked for about 12 to 24 hours. When we soak in water in summer, we can choose to eat water at room temperature. If we soak in water in winter, we should use warm water of about 40 degrees Celsius. . Different seasons affect the water temperature differently, and the brewing time should also be appropriately changed accordingly. In addition, the hair of bird's nest is basically fixed, generally maintained at about 8 times, that is, 100 grams of dry bird's nest can be issued to 800 grams of wet bird's nest, and some very good quality soaked water can be issued 10 times.

How long to stew bird's nest

According to the length of the bird's nest, the stewing time of the bird's nest is determined: the bird's nest built by the young bird of 1-3 years is thinner and the bird's silk is thinner, so the stewing time is 25-30 minutes, not too long; 3-5 Or the swallow nest built by the adult golden swiftlet of more than 5 years takes a little longer at 30-35 minutes. The bird's nest built by the older swallows can be soaked for a while longer, so that it does not need to be stewed for a long time. When purchased individually, the yan jiao has a firmer texture and takes longer to simmer, about 40 minutes. The stewing temperature is also very important. It cannot be cooked directly in a water pot. Such a high temperature will destroy the nutrition of the bird's nest. You should put the bird's nest into the stew pot and add an appropriate amount of pure water. The water exceeds the surface of the bird's nest by about 2 cm. That's it, cover the lid, put some water in the pot and bring it to a boil over high heat, then put it in the stew pot and turn to low heat and simmer for about 30 minutes. Bird's nest should be stewed at low temperature and long-term high temperature can easily destroy bird's nest acid and some other nutrients.

How to stew bird's nest to be nutritious

1. Use mineral water or pure water as much as possible to soak your hair. Both cold water and warm water can be used to soak your hair. Warm water will make your hair faster, which is more suitable for winter. In general, cold water can be used to soak the hair. 2. It is best to stew bird's nest in water. 3. The stewing time is controlled. If the bubbles are properly soaked, the stew can be stewed for 15-20 minutes. The time is too long and it is easy to dissolve into water. 4. If you want sweet bird's nest, it is best to use rock sugar instead of white sugar and brown sugar. Chinese medicine believes that rock sugar has the functions of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, clearing phlegm, and removing fire. It is also an auxiliary material for brewing medicinal wine and stewing tonics. 5. To pick the hairs, you should be careful not to damage the swallow strips, so that the taste will be better when stewed. 6. Try not to be too mixed in flavor, you can choose pure soup to match, salty eaters choose chicken soup, duck soup, etc., sweet eaters choose milk, peanut soup, coconut milk, rock sugar water. 7. Both salty and sweet are suitable, but from a comprehensive point of view, sweets are better. Usually the same amount of dried bird's nest is about 1/3 of the finished product as a sweet food compared to a salty food. 8. After the soaked bird's nest is divided into several parts (it is recommended to be equivalent to 3-5 grams per part of dry goods), it can be sealed in a fresh-keeping bag and kept in the refrigerator for about 10 days. When you need to eat it, stew one part every day. . After the stewed bird's nest is sealed, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3-6 days.

Should bird's nest be refrigerated?

If it is dry bird's nest, it is generally not recommended to store it in the refrigerator. If you put the dried bird's nest in the refrigerator, when you take the box out of the refrigerator, and then open the box and take it out. When the outside air comes into contact with the cold surface, it will form a layer of tiny water droplets. Over time, there will be more and more moisture, and mildew and deterioration will be inevitable. However, if it is freshly stewed bird's nest, the water-soluble protein in the bird's nest will gradually dissolve because no other redundant ingredients are added. Preservation method, seal and store in the refrigerator, preferably within 7 days. If it has been soaked, it needs to be drained (without dripping water) and stored in an airtight refrigerator. Cook as soon as possible.