Why are men in love so possessive?


Love has a very fatal characteristic, that is, possessiveness. Most people think that girls are the most possessive, and most of the jealous are girls. In fact, men are also very possessive, and boys are also jealous, but they won't show it, and won't let girls notice, Until she can't bear it, she will let the girls know. However, being too possessive can make girls uncomfortable. Moderate things are the best, and everything is not very wonderful once it is excessive. Do you know why? There are several reasons why men are too possessive:


Reason one: lack of love

Usually men who lack love have a mentality: they are afraid of being indifferent, and they are even more afraid of being ignored. They want to be loved and cherished, but they are particularly disturbed in certain actions. The more a person lacks something in his heart, the easier it is to ask for something externally. A man with strong possessiveness often likes to ask women for care, consideration, warmth, care and love, and he will give the ultimate in these aspects. If a woman responds Indifferent or calm, he will be lost, and even imagine many bad tendencies, such as you don't love him enough, you don't care about him at all, and so on. Most possessive men lack love in their hearts, which may be the reason why they were not cherished and cared about. Delays touch his sensitive nerves.


Reason 2: Do not understand restraint and respect

A possessive man sometimes finds it difficult to restrain his emotions, and he desperately desires to care about and understand the reasons, so the emotions he releases will naturally be very cold, such as anger, anger, abnormal speech, rough behavior, etc., even if he wants to get close You, petting you, caring for you, he may not use a gentle way, but a very rough way to make women feel that he is abnormal. The reason is that the inner demands cannot be satisfied, which is the same as the hunger for food. In such a situation, people often behave very crazy, very rude, and sometimes act a little too radically. When the possessive desire reaches a certain limit, there will be a bad state, and the same is true.

Reason 3: I don't appreciate it, I just want to change

A possessive man will see you as a part of himself. He demands perfection from himself and is extreme, so he demands the same from you. If some of your habits don't meet his standards, then he wants to change you instead of appreciating everything about you and respecting everything you have. The reason is that his perfect mentality urges him to quickly make you good, although some things are not a problem in your opinion, but he does not think so, for example, your skin is very poor, he will force you to go to bed early, Later, he will nag you, criticize you, and even pressure you; if you like to be late, he will give an example of the disadvantages of being late, and he will show you affection and reason with you. In the end, he will verify his perfection and correctness, your shortcomings and deficiencies. He likes a perfect man in his bones, and he is often very possessive, because he cannot see any flaws, including the woman he loves deeply.


Reason four: I care too much about girls

A man who is too possessive in the end really cares about you and loves you very much, because possessiveness can make you intuitively see a man's love for you. Possessiveness means that he cares about you and wants to be nice to you. The reason is that men are also jealous and playful. For example, most men don't want their girlfriends to dress sexy in front of others, so this is also a manifestation of possessiveness. If a boyfriend behaves like this, it means that he cares about you, so girls should be happy. , don't argue with him about clothes