10 Foods That Can Relieve Stress


The reason why people suffer setbacks in work and life is often because their own goals are difficult to achieve, so they feel inferior and disappointed. Excessive expectations will only make people melancholy and form pressure. Chronic stress puts health at risk and can lead to depression, high blood pressure, insomnia and heart attack. So, here is a list of 10 foods that can help with anxiety and stress.


Food one: pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, one of the essential minerals that the body needs to regulate energy production in the body, relax muscles and maintain a healthy nervous system. Pumpkin seeds also contain B vitamins, which can relax the mind, thereby helping to better manage stress. If you eat some pumpkin seeds a few hours before bed, the amino acid, L-tryptophan, of pumpkin seeds will help with the production of melatonin and serotonin, which can help promote good sleep and relieve stress.

Food 2: Avocado

Avocados are rich in stress-reducing B vitamins, which are good for the body's needs to keep the brain and nerve cells healthy. Avocados can also help lower blood pressure, inflammation, and stabilize blood sugar, as they are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and potassium, which relieve stress.

Food three: green leafy vegetables

You may want to eat unhealthy, high-fat foods like chips, burgers, or ice cream when you're stressed, but swap those foods for healthy greens and you'll quickly see a drop in anxiety and stress levels. Leafy green vegetables such as Swiss chard, spinach, and kale contain folic acid, which produces the pleasure and calming hormone dopamine, which acts as a stress reliever. Recent studies have shown that people who eat foods rich in folic acid are much less likely to suffer from depression.


Food Four: Nuts

Walnuts, Brazil nuts, and almonds are all high in calories, but also contain antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that help lower blood pressure. Eating some nuts as a healthy snack when feeling stressed will give you a lot of needed energy. Almonds, in particular, are rich in vitamin E and B vitamins, which help boost the immune system.

Food Five: Blueberries

When feeling anxious and stressed, eating some blueberries can relieve stress. Because blueberries are full of antioxidants and vitamin C, they can help the body fight stress. Vitamin C has a good antioxidant effect, can remove free radicals generated due to stress and the external environment, and participate in the body's redox metabolism, which can relieve stress. Under stress, the body will consume more vitamin C, so when you are tense and stressed, vitamin C supplementation can relieve it.

Food Six: Dark Chocolate

Eating small amounts of dark chocolate regularly is good for the body and helps reduce anxiety and stress levels. That's because chocolate alters the body's response to stress, lowering levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Dark chocolate is also rich in flavanols, which can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, so eating dark chocolate when feeling stressed can help relieve stress.

Food Seven: Cherry

Cherries are called natural aspirin by western doctors. Because there is a substance called anthocyanin in cherries, which can create happiness. Scientists at the University of Michigan believe that eating 20 cherries when people are in a bad mood is more effective than taking any medicine.

Food Eight: Grapefruit

Grapefruit contains a high amount of vitamin c, which can not only maintain the concentration of red blood cells and enhance the body's resistance, but also vitamin c can relieve stress. Most importantly, vitamin c is one of the important ingredients in the manufacture of dopamine and adrenaline, which can relieve anxiety.


Food Nine: Celery

Stress affects sleep, and you may find that you wake up before you fall asleep, a common symptom of high blood pressure. The tryptophan in celery helps the body produce brain serotonin, which is essential for maintaining a positive mood, reducing stress, and getting healthy sleep. Celery stalks with unsweetened peanut butter can help ensure a good night's sleep and keep blood sugar levels constant.

Food ten: milk

Calcium is a natural nervous system stabilizer. When a person is under some kind of stress, the excretion of calcium from the body through urination increases. Therefore, candidates who are preparing for the war should pay attention to choosing foods such as milk, yogurt, dried shrimps and egg yolks with high calcium content, which have the effect of calming emotions and relieving stress.