The 9 Most Talking Parrots in the World


Many people who love birds hope that they can raise a parrot who can only speak words, but there are many parrots on the market that can be trained to learn to speak, but they don't know which parrot is better, so the following is a list of the best parrots in the world for bird lovers. 9 species of parrots that can learn to speak.
9th place: Blue-topped Amazon parrot
Native to South America, the blue-capped Amazon is a popular pet. They are named for the distinctive blue markings on the top of their heads.
It often recognizes only one master, and can only cultivate and improve their ability to learn words through rewards and incentives. If trained properly, they can speak for hours on end and are also known for their sweet voice.
8th place: Yellow-crowned Amazon parrot
The yellow-crowned Amazon parrot, as its name suggests, has a very iconic yellow hat—yellow feathers on its head. These birds have different personalities, some can learn to speak for hours, while others never speak.
The ability of ornithologists to learn speech depends on many different factors, of which the living environment and the frequency of interaction with people account for a very high proportion. Yellow-crowned Amazon parrots are loud! The life span is very long, more than 60 years, so keeping it as a pet can basically keep it for a lifetime.
No. 7: Cockatoo
Cockatoos are gregarious birds with a strong ability to learn words. They are capable of imitating a wide variety of sounds, and their ability to learn words depends entirely on the quality of their training. There are several species of cockatoos, among which the rose sunflower, the yellow-crowned cockatoo and the long-billed cockatoo are more capable of learning words.
Cockatoos need to imitate their owners in order to learn to speak. Their ability lies more in replicating words or sentences that their masters repeat many times, in other words, they are just mechanical imitations.
6th place: monk parrot
Monk parrots are mainly found in Europe, South America and North America. Like other speech-learning birds, they require proper care, affection, and training to imitate human voices.
In addition to human voices, they are also able to imitate other sounds heard around them.
5th place: Indian ring-necked parrot
Indian ring-necked parrots can learn 200-500 words. The ability to mimic depends on the frequency of interaction with the host. Not only can they replicate human voices from their surroundings, but they can also memorize lyrics by listening to music.
4th place: Eclectic parrot
A very strange name, also known as the red-necked green parrot, male and female birds show completely different plumage colors. They are the most sexually differentiated of all parrots. The bright red plumage of the female contrasts strongly with the bright green of the male, so you can tell if it is a male or female bird just by looking at the coat color.
They are able to copy most words heard around and reproduce them in high quality, some are also able to learn poetry and sing, and it can even fool its owner with its own voice.
3rd place: Yellow-necked Amazon parrot
Another very gifted bird in the Amazon parrot family. Known for its humane context. Yellow-necked Amazons are able to copy a large number of words and imitate them with excellent quality.
Yellow-necked Amazons can learn to speak from an early age. They are able to learn most words and phrases from their owners. Usually they only recognize one master in their life. Therefore, the interaction between the owner and the pet is an important factor in determining their ability to learn to speak, and they are also good at repeating the songs they hear from their surroundings.
2nd place: Budgie
Look closely at the patterns on their feathers, is it a bit like a tiger? This is the origin of the "budgie" parrot.
They are native to Australia and are now found all over the world due to their excellent language abilities. A man named Hitchriga The parrot learned 1728 words. While most budgerigars don't have that much potential, learning 300-500 words and sentences with ease will have little difficulty for them.
Unlike other parrots that only recognize their owners, budgerigars prefer to learn what strangers or new people say, probably because they are too smart, and some may look down on the IQ of their owners.
Both males and females have the ability to imitate anthropological speech, but males are more expressive and have a more normal tone.
1st place: African Grey Parrot
African grey parrots are the smartest and most talkative birds in the world, a conclusion that has been recognized around the world. They are currently the only birds in the world that can have a barrier-free conversation with humans. Excellent memory, can remember more than 2000 words. In one contest, it beat 21 Harvard undergraduates.
They can live up to 70 years, rely on only one owner for their entire life, and are more loyal than dogs. They can learn different sounds from their surroundings and imitate them accurately, and in the wild they can also fool predators by imitating various sounds.
On the other hand, captive-fed pet birds can be trained to learn calculations, conversations, simple logic, and more. Combining the above list, it can be found that most of these birds that can learn to speak are parrots.