Baby picky eaters how to do


In today's rich material life, parents do their best to meet their children's needs, provide them with rich dietary choices, and meet the nutrients they need for healthy growth. But often babies are picky eaters and partial eclipses, such as not eating vegetables, preferring high-fat and high-calorie meats, resulting in gaining weight, affecting health, and causing headaches for parents.

To solve this problem, parents must first know the reasons for the baby's picky eater.

Reason 1 for baby's picky eating: complementary food is added too late

When the baby reaches the age where complementary food can be added, the parents do not add it in time. If the complementary food is added too late, the baby will miss the best chewing time. When the baby eats hard food, it is easy to have difficulty in chewing and swallowing, full of frustration and unwilling to eat.

Reason 2 for baby's picky eating: unreasonable diet structure

The formula is single and unchanged. If parents feed their baby a single food at each meal, such as meat at one meal and vegetarian at the next, eating too much at one time can make the child less interested in those foods.

Reason 3 for Baby Picky Eating: Excessive Snacks

Parents are used to storing a lot of snacks at home, and babies eat a lot of unhealthy food, high sugar, high salt, additives, and preservatives exceeding the standard. When it comes to dinner time, the baby cannot eat.

Reason 4 for baby's picky eating: poor dining environment

The dining environment is noisy. Some parents like to feed the baby, chase the baby, or watch TV, play with toys, eat while playing, distract the baby from eating, and over time, the baby loses interest in food.

Reason 5 for baby picky eaters: Meal time confusion

There is no fixed meal time, and the interval between meals is too short, especially on holidays, when the baby wakes up late, has breakfast, and has to eat lunch before it is digested.

Reason 6 for baby's picky eating: poor gastrointestinal function

The baby's gastrointestinal motility is slow. If constipation occurs, a large amount of food residues will accumulate in the intestines, affecting the baby's appetite, and even nausea and vomiting.

Reason 7 for baby's picky eating: lack of trace elements

When zinc is deficient in the body, the taste buds of the tongue will be affected, and the baby cannot taste delicious food and is prone to anorexia.

Baby picky eaters Reason 8: Babies have allergic reactions to certain foods

If the baby develops allergies after eating certain foods, causing abdominal pain, nausea and other discomforts, they will instinctively resist these foods and do not want to eat them.

So how to correct the baby's picky eating and anorexia?

Correcting baby's picky eating Method 1: Create a good dining atmosphere

Standardize home dining etiquette and create a good dining atmosphere. Everyone can't leave the table to eat, and can't watch TV, play with mobile phones, and play with toys while eating. Keep a good mood when eating, parents should not always urge the baby to eat quickly, so as not to affect the mood.

Note: Do not scold children while eating!

Correcting baby's picky eating Method 2: Encourage baby to participate in cooking

Parents can take their babies to the supermarket to choose food, and when they get home, they can help wash vegetables, rice, beat eggs, and peel garlic. Let your baby participate in the process of making food, and the meals you make yourself are definitely the most fragrant!

Correct baby's picky eating Method 3: Positive psychological suggestion

Understand the baby's thoughts, such as the baby wants to grow taller, more beautiful, and wants to be as brave as Ultraman, parents can encourage the baby to eat more to achieve the goal.

Correcting baby's picky eating Method 4: Desensitization therapy

Desensitization therapy is suitable for babies who are resistant to certain foods.

For example, the baby does not like to eat vegetables, parents can grow cabbage with the baby, let the baby perceive the growth process of the vegetables, accept it from the heart, or mix the vegetables with the meat he likes to make small buns, small dumplings, etc., let the baby Eat it unconsciously, and slowly, he can accept the taste of this vegetable.

Note: If the baby is still very resistant to a certain food after many attempts, parents can choose other food instead.

Correct the baby's picky eating Method 5: Improve the fun of eating

The baby should not be arranged by adults to eat, let him eat by himself, and it is also an achievement for the baby to learn to use spoons and chopsticks.

At the same time, parents should improve recipes and enhance the appearance of food. Whether it is using bright colors or making some shapes, they can attract the baby's attention.