How soon after pregnancy did you start having a reaction? How long will it take to get sick?


How long does it take to have a reaction after pregnancy

Women experience pregnancy symptoms, such as delayed periods, persistently elevated basal body temperature, nausea and vomiting, frequent urination, breast and skin changes, around the sixth week of pregnancy. These early pregnancy symptoms usually persist into the third trimester, but not every time. Everyone responds early in pregnancy. If women suspect that they are pregnant, they can use tools such as pregnancy test sticks and pregnancy test strips to test themselves, but it is better to go to the hospital for more accurate results.

It needs to be clear that the pregnancy reactions of different groups are very different, and it is very unscientific to judge whether you are pregnant only by the symptoms in the early pregnancy. The above-mentioned physical changes in women are likely to be caused by factors such as diseases and changes in the internal environment of the body, not necessarily pregnancy. Women must go to the hospital for HCG urine test or HCG blood test, B-ultrasound and other tests to accurately determine whether they are pregnant and to make the correct treatment.

How long does it take for pregnancy to start morning sickness

Many women experience different degrees of early pregnancy symptoms during pregnancy, such as morning sickness, breast tenderness, and temperature changes, among which morning sickness is the most common. So how long does it take to get pregnant?

Statistics show that about 50% of women will experience nausea and vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, partial eclipse and other symptoms before and after 6 weeks of menopause, and the symptoms will disappear around 12 weeks of pregnancy.

However, everyone's pregnancy reaction is different, the time of morning sickness is also different, and the degree will be mild to severe. Some people have severe reactions and may vomit up anything they eat from early pregnancy until before delivery, while others have mild reactions. , There is basically no morning sickness reaction, and some pregnant women will not experience morning sickness symptoms throughout the pregnancy.

It should be noted that whether morning sickness occurs after pregnancy varies from person to person. If a woman experiences nausea and vomiting around six weeks after menopause, she should consider pregnancy.

If morning sickness occurs, it can be relieved by diet. Choose some fresh and digestible food to eat, you can eat more fruits and vegetables, and avoid eating too greasy and irritating food.