How can women improve skin yellowing problem?


With more and more people staying up late, beauty and skin care has become a household topic, especially for female friends who want to talk about beauty and skin care. There are actually many things to pay attention to in beauty and skin care, but today we will focus on the problem of yellowing skin. I think both women and men should have such troubles.

Symptoms of yellowing skin

So what are the symptoms of yellowing skin? How do I know if my skin is yellowing? I believe these two problems should also trouble many friends! In fact, if your skin is originally fair and ruddy, and your skin condition is worse than before, it is enough to show that your skin quality has changed. Generally speaking, yellowing of the skin not only makes people look pale, but also gives the feeling of being unable to wake up all the time.

Causes of yellowing of the skin

1. Malnutrition leads to yellowing of the skin and thinning of the muscles

This phenomenon is now more common. It's not because of a poor diet, but because some women lose too much weight to stay healthy. In the process of losing weight, they have extreme control over their diet and their bodies lack nutrients. Due to the lack of fat nutrients, female skin looks yellow and dark because the underlying layers of the skin cannot support it. As long as you return to a normal diet and maintain a balanced nutrition, this situation can generally gradually return to normal.

2. Excessive oil secretion

Some women have oily skin, but they are more oily in winter and summer. When the excess oil on the face is oxidized by the air, the skin will turn yellow. In addition, the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands is a thick, semi-fluid mixture that, when spilled, mixes with excess external debris. It's like putting a cloudy substance on your face, making the skin oily and dull again. In this case, if you want to whiten your skin, you need to start with cleansing, oil control, and exfoliation.

3. Dry skin

When the skin is dehydrated and dry, the lack of moisture in the stratum corneum can cause the skin to turn dark and yellow. Especially without proper moisturizing, the skin becomes dry, darker and more yellow. Therefore, for good moisturizing and moisturizing, you can apply a mask properly and use a high moisturizing product.

4. Often stay up late

Women's nighttime sleep is the most active stage of skin repair cell regeneration, and it is also the main key to skin improvement. Women staying up late will slow down the body's metabolism, leading to aging, thickening of the stratum corneum, and thickening of the skin. Without transparency, the deep yellow is annoying. Especially for those who have been sleeping poorly for a long time, the skin looks yellowish. The dull yellow skin that occurs in these cases cannot be improved with the use of skin care products. All you have to do is get back to normal sleep and go to bed. Getting up early can promote cell metabolism and restore whiteness from the inside out.

Skin yellowing solution

The above symptoms are not natural yellowing of the skin, so is there a solution? In fact, if you want to improve skin yellowing, you need not only "external use", but also "internal adjustment". Only two-pronged approach can achieve the best skin beauty effect.

External use:

1. Pearl Powder Homemade Mask

The first recommended topical mask is the milk pearl powder homemade mask. You may have heard this name, after all, this homemade mask was once all the rage, and many female friends like to do it by themselves. Mix milk and pearl powder directly to make it thick (a small amount of milk), then apply on the face for a whitening effect.

2. Ordinary moisturizing mask

In addition, if you feel that homemade mask is more troublesome, you can use ordinary mask directly, but usually you can choose a mask with good moisturizing effect.

Internal conditioning:

Ways to improve 1. Eat more fruits rich in vitamin C

Of course, if you want to improve your skin texture, you won't see results just by using it externally. You also need to structure your diet properly and add vitamin C to your diet and fruits like antioxidant-rich citrus fruits. Long-term consumption of strawberries, cherries, grapes, etc. is not only effective for beauty and skin care, but also for moisturizing.

Improvement method 2. Drink water regularly every day

In addition, our body has self-regulating functions such as liver and intestines, and has a unique detoxification mechanism, so we can detoxify by drinking water regularly every day. Therefore, next time you can effectively eliminate toxins from the body, such as getting up in the morning, 1 hour before going to bed, and 30 minutes after meals, you can drink water on time.

Under normal circumstances, if you carefully follow the adjustment methods for external use and internal use, you can see that the skin condition has improved significantly in about half a year. In addition, people with weak qi and blood need to eat some foods that nourish qi and blood, such as red dates, angelica, wolfberry, etc., in order to effectively control the symptoms of weak qi and blood.