What are the dangers of postpartum depression? How to prevent?


Postpartum women must take good care of their health. Diet and physical recovery are very important during this time. After giving birth, many mothers are not in a good mood. What should we do when we encounter postpartum depression? What are the dangers of postpartum depression? Let's take a look below.


Three major hazards of postpartum depression:

Harm 1: The harm of postpartum depression is suicide. Some depressed mothers have a bad temper because of being sick. They feel that they cry in the middle of the night and cover their children with pillows. Postpartum depression often leads to suicidal tendencies, and should be treated in time. It is known that the number of patients with postpartum depression has increased significantly. In recent years, many people have shown depression before giving birth. Patients with major depressive episodes often have negative suicidal tendencies, and the suicide mortality rate can reach 15% to 25%.

Hazard II: The 2-3 years after the birth of a child is a critical period for psychological, behavioral and intellectual development. Due to the influence of depression, the mother's lactation function declines, it is difficult to insist on breastfeeding, and it is easy to affect the baby's weight and height. When postpartum depression is severe, mothers become extremely pessimistic and misanthropic. She wants to be free, but she is afraid that the child will not be taken care of in the future and will have thoughts and behaviors of infanticide. This is the most common hazard of postpartum depression.

Hazard 3: Due to lack of language communication and family integration, the baby's language ability declines, the activity level decreases, the motor ability is poor, the emotional response is strong, the psychological negative life law is poor, and the external environment and people show withdrawal and Unable to adapt, the mother's ability to respond to language is reduced, and the ability to acquire external knowledge is insufficient. The harm of postpartum depression is mainly manifested in affecting the baby's emotional, intellectual development and psychological and behavioral development.


How to relieve maternal depression

Method 1: Take a break

Fatigue is the main cause of your depression, so give yourself a break sometimes. Ask a partner or family member to help care for the baby, then go for a walk or catch up on sleep.

Method 2: Develop your own hobbies

Of course, it's generally hard for moms to have much time left to develop their hobbies. But having a hobby of your own can help you get through this tough time. Reading, listening to music, and big adventures are all good choices.

Method 3: Shifting attention

Learning to shift focus can help new mothers improve depression. Because postpartum new mothers are prone to extremes When you are wronged, the feeling of wrongedness will continue to deepen, and eventually this kind of wrongedness will stagnate in your chest, and there is nowhere to release it. Therefore, if a new mother learns to shift her attention, when she is wronged, she will consciously forget about it and turn her attention to other things, and she will soon be able to get rid of the bad mood.

Method 4: Listen to music and watch jokes

New mothers can try listening to music and watching jokes. Play some soothing music, and the mood will relax with the music; or read some humorous, positive joke books, such as fairy tales, school jokes, etc. These books tend to be witty and humorous, and most of the new mothers' moods can improve after reading them.

Method 5: Movement

Exercise can be a great stress reliever, but you can do some gentle exercise while your body hasn't fully recovered. Go for a walk, do some stretching, and put yourself in a good mood.

Method 6: Find someone to chat with

If you are feeling unhappy or sad, you should immediately consider finding someone to chat with. Family, friends, best friends are all good, and speaking out about all your unhappiness can make you feel more comfortable.

Method 7: Diet

Lack of nutrients may exacerbate your depression and restlessness. Therefore, mothers must allow themselves to take in a nutritious and balanced diet to help themselves recover.