How to fix red blood on face?


Spring seems to be going through the season for sensitive skin. The wind was blowing on the face, and the face was dry and red, red and tingling. These more common conditions are definitely symptoms of sensitive skin, but they aren't very accurate either. If your skin is tight, tingling, and sometimes itchy or red.

For example, the skin often feels tingling and itching, but otherwise, erythema is more likely to occur, such as when the seasons change. And because the skin is inherently thin, the "blush" manifested by telangiectasia is generally redder to the skin. Over time, telangiectasia eventually leads to redness. How to repair red blood? Which skin care products are suitable for red blood and sensitive skin?

What is red blood?

Red blood, also known as telangiectasia, appears on the cheeks, and some people have red blood on the nose, which manifests as dry skin, redness, irritability, and acne. In more severe cases, the darker and finer the pores are, erythema will appear on the face, which greatly affects the appearance. Especially in autumn and winter, the symptoms of red blood will be aggravated. This type of skin is very sensitive and fragile. Redness cannot be underestimated at this time, as it can develop into localized skin ulcers and hormonal face if not handled properly.

What is the most effective way to repair red blood?

The cause of red blood cells shows that red blood cells are very sensitive and fragile skin. Avoid external irritation caused by secondary injury to prevent a range of skin irritations. In later stages, it can damage the epidermis of the skin and exacerbate symptoms of redness and other problems.

Reminder: Red blood capillary repair is destined to be a long process. Don't believe the hyperbole ads like "Nourishes healthy skin in 28 days" or "Rejuvenates overnight with a face mask." Next, let's talk about how to remove red blood? Overall, gentle cleansing + daily moisturizing + barrier repair + sun protection!

1. Gentle cleaning

If you don't wash your face properly, excess oil will build up and clog your pores. If you wash your face too much, sensitive muscles will worsen and facial redness will increase. Use a mild facial cleanser! We recommend cleansers that contain amino acids, such as Avene Cleanser. this is very good!

2. Moisturize

To be very concerned about skin hydration, keep a bottle of spray with you. The sprayed water mist is particularly fine and even, and the water droplets on the face are very fine and comfortable. After spraying, pat on cheeks to promote absorption.

3. Repair the skin barrier (top priority)

In fact, the skin has a natural healing ability, the natural physiological regeneration rate is 28 days, and the repair period from the dermis to the epidermis is about 60 to 90 days. It's just that the skin's own self-healing ability is very limited. Although it can be improved by itself, it is aimed at relatively minor irritant damage. If you have red blood, the skin is too sensitive, and the skin cannot heal completely, you need to use other medicines to assist.

4. Sunscreen - an indispensable job no matter the season

Sunbathing is good, but for girls with red blood and sensitive skin, the penetration of ultraviolet rays will aggravate skin damage. Regular use of sunscreen is not recommended as physical sunscreens are heavy and prone to breakouts. While chemical sunscreens are light and thin, they provide sun protection by absorbing some of the sun's rays that irritate the skin. These sun protection methods are not as good as wearing a hat, mask or umbrella. These hard sunscreens not only do not damage the skin, but they also work well!

5. Watch your diet

Mindful diet can also play an important role in improving skin problems. Usual dietary choices can be improved by eating less spicy food and more fruits, vegetables, and other vitamin-rich foods. In addition, foods and beverages with high sugar content such as cakes, desserts, fatty home-cooked dishes, milk tea and juice should also be avoided as much as possible to avoid skin problems caused by excessive sugar.

Daily water intake should be controlled at least 1.5 to 2 liters to ensure the normal functioning of the body's metabolism. Eating in this way can improve skin problems and restore skin condition to a certain extent.