Should I limit water intake in the third trimester of pregnancy? How to relieve edema?


Why does edema occur in the third trimester?

In the third trimester, edema mostly occurs in the lower parts of the body, such as the ankles and lower legs. Press the thumb on the shinbone of the calf, and after pressing, if the skin is significantly sunken, it will not recover quickly. Prolonged standing can cause edema, which subsides with rest.

Causes of edema: The plasma osmotic pressure during pregnancy is lower than that in non-pregnancy, which makes the water in the blood flow easily penetrate into the interstitial fluid, and the water and salt in the body tissue are retained, and the water increases, resulting in edema. In addition, with the increase of gestational weeks, the uterus enlarges in the third trimester, which increases the pressure in the pelvis, thereby affecting the venous blood flow of the lower extremities, which is also one of the reasons for edema in the third trimester.

Should I limit drinking water for edema in the third trimester?

Generally speaking, expectant mothers with physiological edema need not worry too much and do not need to limit the amount of water they drink.

Edema of the lower extremities during pregnancy is caused by a compressed uterus or too much salt intake, rather than drinking too much water. Pregnant mothers should drink an appropriate amount of water, because drinking water can promote metabolism, relieve constipation in the third trimester, and prevent urethritis.

How to relieve edema in the third trimester?

Relief method 1: Pay attention to rest. If pregnant women only have calf edema, they generally do not need treatment, and can be relieved as long as they rest more. When resting in bed, prop up your legs with pillows or cushions, and the edema will subside naturally.

Relief Method 2: Light diet. In order to reduce edema during pregnancy, pregnant mothers should not eat too salty food, choose a light diet, and maintain a low-salt diet. Avoid eating foods that are not easy to digest and flatulence, such as sweet potatoes, onions, etc., choose high-quality protein and foods that promote metabolism, such as meat, eggs, fish, milk, etc., and eat more soy and dairy products.

Mitigation method 3: Avoid prolonged standing. Don't walk too much or stand for too long. Remember to stand up and move around when you are sitting for a long time.

Relief method 4: Pay attention to the lying position. In the third trimester, the sleeping position of the pregnant mother is best to choose the left side, which can reduce edema. When sleeping, you can raise your feet about 15°, which helps to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities and relieve edema.

Relief Method 5: Massage soothing. If you feel that your legs are swollen and uncomfortable, you can "please use" your father-to-be to massage your legs every night before going to bed.

In most cases, maternal edema in the third trimester can be relieved with rest. However, pregnant mothers should also pay attention. After trying various methods, the edema still does not improve, and the weight increases rapidly. When symptoms such as high blood pressure and proteinuria appear, they should be checked in time to avoid pregnancy poisoning and delay the disease.