Causes of urine leakage in the third trimester and how to relieve it


During the third trimester, some pregnant women leak urine when they sneeze or laugh. What exactly happened?

Urine leakage in the third trimester may be caused by the following reasons:

Urine leakage in the third trimester Reason 1: Because the fetus enters the pelvis, it will compress the bladder, and the increase of intra-abdominal pressure may lead to leakage of urine in the third trimester, which is a normal phenomenon. After delivery, the symptoms of urinary leakage disappeared.

Urine leakage in the third trimester Reason 2: Due to the relaxation or uncoordinated pelvic floor muscles, the ability to control urine is reduced, which belongs to stress urinary incontinence and is a type of pelvic floor disease, especially Urine leakage occurs early in pregnancy. Urine leakage symptoms may go away, lessen, or worsen after delivery.

Urine leakage in the third trimester Reason 3: Urine leakage accompanied by amniotic fluid leakage belongs to premature rupture of membranes. Immediate medical attention is required.

How to relieve the symptoms of urinary leakage in the third trimester?

Relief Method 1: Regular urination.

Get into the habit of urinating on time and avoid holding back your urine. Remember to urinate before going out, before going to bed, and before getting in the car. Go to the toilet every two hours, even if you don't have the urge to urinate. When urinating, if you sit on the toilet, lean forward a little, and place your feet on a small stool, the bladder can be emptied more thoroughly.

Relief method 2: Eat less diuretic food.

For example, watermelon, winter melon, red beans, etc., and foods that may contain caffeine (such as sports energy drinks, carbohydrate drinks, matcha, green tea, chocolate, etc.) may make you want to urinate more.

Mitigation method 3: Prepare some pads.

If there is a "learning from the past", pregnant mothers can use pads and replace them in time to prevent sudden urine leakage.

Relief method 4: Insist on doing Kegel exercises.

Pregnant mothers can exercise the pelvic floor muscles regularly, and they should also insist on doing them after giving birth to enhance the strength of the pelvic floor muscles. This can help prevent or slow down leaks, doesn't take too much time, and can be done at home. In addition, when sneezing and laughing, pregnant mothers can try to tighten the pelvic floor muscles in advance, and the amount and frequency of urine leakage will gradually decrease.

Mitigation Method 5: Maintain moderate physical activity.

You can choose to do some light to moderate physical activities, such as walking, yoga, etc., to improve the strength of the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles of the whole body, which can not only improve urine leakage, but also help postpartum recovery.

Mitigation method 6: Do some light housework.

Choosing to do chores is a great way to keep yourself active. It is recommended that pregnant mothers do some relatively easy housework and pay attention to the intensity of housework. For example, during the epidemic, every family will be cleaned regularly, so pregnant mothers can also help to clean the furniture, sweep the floor, wash the dishes, etc. If you need to add a disinfectant with a pungent smell to clean it together, it is more appropriate to ask your family to do it for you.

Mitigation method 7: Avoid heavy physical labor and heavy lifting.

Pay attention to reduce bending and avoid excessive force, such as mopping the floor, sweeping the floor and other tasks to the prospective fathers. As for high-intensity housework such as climbing and lifting heavy objects, pregnant mothers should try to avoid them.

If you keep leaking urine, you must first keep the vulva dry and clean to prevent infection, and remember to go to the pelvic floor clinic and urology department of the hospital for examination.