Changes of the fetus and pregnant mother in the second trimester and 6 major precautions


The second trimester is the period from the fourteenth week of pregnancy to the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy. With the disappearance of early pregnancy reflection, many pregnant women's food intake increased significantly. In the second trimester, because the placenta has formed, the fetus enters a relatively safe stage. A mother's goal should be to help her fetus develop healthily while being more comfortable during pregnancy. So what should expectant mothers pay attention to in the second trimester? What are the changes in the body of the baby and the mother-to-be? Let me take a look.
What should I pay attention to in the second trimester? There are mainly these aspects:
Note 1: Diet nutrition in the second trimester
In the second trimester, the development of the fetus will accelerate, so mothers can easily feel hungry. You can eat more staple food, in addition to steamed bread and rice, you can also add some coarse grains. The content of dietary fiber, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids in whole grains is very high, and it is good for mother's body to eat regularly. It is common to absorb multiple nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron, etc. from various foods, and the requirements at this stage are much greater than usual. Eat less salty food, too much salt is absorbed, which will cause edema and pregnancy poisoning in the later stage.
Vegetables in the second trimester can eat amaranth, spinach, lettuce, asparagus, cabbage, carrots, etc.; fruits can eat strawberries, kiwi, grapes, etc.
Note 2: Regular obstetric examination in the second trimester
Obstetric examinations in the second trimester are very important: B-ultrasound is performed at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy, that is, the examination of fetal neck transparency. If the NT is thickened, there may be a risk of chromosomal diseases; around 15-20 weeks of pregnancy, Down's screening is performed Check, you can probably know the risk of chromosomal diseases in the fetus. If the risk is high, additional examinations are required; around 22-24 weeks, a large-row abnormality examination of the fetus is an important examination for a comprehensive and systematic investigation of fetal malformations; 24-28 weeks, do gestational diabetes screening, and detect pregnant women through OGTT Blood sugar metabolism, timely diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus, and corresponding treatment.
Note 3: Sleep on the left side in the second trimester
Sleep problems usually occur in the second trimester. Pregnant mothers can feel uncomfortable because of the pressure on the uterus or body organs when lying flat. Therefore, most pregnant mothers choose to sleep on their side, and it is recommended to maintain the clinically recommended left lateral position to avoid uterine artery compression.
The benefits of lying on the left side in the second trimester are:
Benefit 1: Increase the blood supply and nutrients of the placenta to ensure fetal development;
Benefit 2: Reduce the compression of uterine blood vessels and inferior vena cava, and relieve discomfort during pregnancy;
Benefit 3: Lying on the left side a few days before labor can promote labor.
Note 4: Moderate exercise
The general recommendation is to start with a 15-minute walk per day and gradually increase it, ensuring 30 to 45 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per day in the second and third trimesters. You can adjust the exercise intensity according to your physical condition. Moderate exercise can help relieve back pain, help you sleep at night, manage your weight, and aid in postpartum recovery. It's also important for promoting normal labor, and pregnant women yoga, walking, jogging, housework, and even swimming are all suitable.
Note 5: Pay attention to life in the second trimester
In daily life, pay attention to avoid places with many people to prevent weakening of immunity; minimize contact with pets at home to prevent Toxoplasma gondii and some germs; in addition, some places with strong radiation should also be avoided. No problem. In addition, pregnant women should be extra careful when taking medication. In addition to trying not to get sick at ordinary times, they should not take medicine at will when they are sick. Scientific treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.
Note 6: Keep a good mood during pregnancy
There are many uncomfortable symptoms during pregnancy, which can affect the mother's mood. At the same time, due to hormonal changes, pregnant mothers are more sensitive and fragile, need more attention and care, and are more prone to nervousness. It is recommended that pregnant mothers read more pregnancy books, chat more with people close to them, and communicate more with their loved ones when they have negative emotions. Try to maintain a good mood during pregnancy, which is also conducive to embryonic development.
Fetal development and maternal changes in the second trimester
Changes in fetal development
In the second trimester, the fetus grows to 14-16.5 cm long and weighs about 250 grams. The kidneys can already produce urine, and the hair is growing rapidly. This is a great opportunity for you to communicate with your baby, who knows everything in your womb and will respond accordingly whenever you talk to him or her. If it's a girl, her vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes are all in place; if it's a boy, the baby's genitals are clearly visible.
Mom's change
Now, the mother-to-be looks like a pregnant woman, her belly is getting bigger, her body is moving forward, making it difficult for her to move, and her original clothes are starting to become inappropriate. In addition, pregnant mothers have a surprisingly good appetite at this time, so pay attention to scientific and balanced nutrition. Your libido is ramping up at this point and dads-to-be can now lift the ban a bit; most pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids; your legs, coccyx and other muscles will have some pain when you sit or lie down if you get up too quickly Makes you feel a little dizzy. Some pregnant mothers will experience nasal congestion, nasal congestion and nosebleeds. If the nosebleed is very serious, it is necessary to consider whether there is the possibility of pregnancy-induced hypertension.