What to eat in the second trimester of pregnancy? Do you need calcium supplements?


Second trimester recipe

In the middle of pregnancy, the appetite of the expectant mother gradually improves. During this period, the embryonic development stage is completed, the placenta has been formed, the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced, and the early pregnancy reaction disappears. This is also the period of rapid fetal development. The weight of the expectant mother increases rapidly in the middle of pregnancy, which requires the expectant mother to supplement enough calories and nutrients to meet the needs of the rapid growth of herself and the fetus. It is worth noting that pregnant women also cannot overeat without restrictions. Eating too much will not only overburden the mother's body, but may also lead to gestational diabetes.

Nutritional requirements in the second trimester:

Nutritional requirement 1: Vitamin A supplementation. The second trimester is a critical period for fetal skeletal development and retinal development. Pregnant mothers should pay attention to supplement vitamin A, phosphorus and other elements, eat more carrots, spinach, cod liver oil, green peppers, etc.

Nutrient requirement 2: Iron supplementation. Pregnant women in the second trimester are prone to anemia, and should ensure daily intake of iron elements, such as spinach, pork liver, beef, celery, etc.

Nutrient requirement 3: calcium supplementation. In the golden period of the formal development of fetal bones in the second trimester of pregnancy, the calcium of pregnant women will be used to supplement fetal development, and special attention should be paid to calcium supplementation. In the diet, pay attention to eating more milk, bone broth, tofu, and if necessary, take calcium supplement tablets under the doctor's advice.

Due to the increased appetite, pregnant mothers will gradually increase their food intake and sometimes feel full. At this time, you can take 1 to 2 yeast tablets to increase digestive function. You can also eat 4 to 5 times a day, which can not only supplement related nutrients, but also improve the abdominal distension caused by eating too much.


How much calcium should be supplemented in the second trimester of pregnancy

The appropriate calcium intake for pregnant women in the second trimester is 1000 mg per day. In general, calcium supplementation should be considered before 20 weeks of pregnancy (second trimester), because at this time the fetus has entered a period of rapid growth, and normal calcification (or ossification) of the spine, limbs, skull and teeth requires calcium support.

Precautions for calcium supplementation for pregnant women

Note 1: The more calcium, the better. Excessive calcium supplementation in pregnant women will lead to calcium precipitation in the placental blood vessel wall, resulting in placental aging and calcification, reducing amniotic fluid secretion, and causing the baby's head to be too hard. In this way, the baby cannot get the adequate nutrition and oxygen provided by the mother's body, and the strong head will prolong the labor process and threaten the baby's health. Therefore, calcium supplementation should be scientific, and do not blindly supplement too much calcium.

Note 2: A small amount of calcium is better than a large amount of calcium. When taking calcium tablets, you can choose small doses of calcium tablets and take them orally 2 to 3 times a day. The same 500 ml of milk, drink 2 to 3 times, the effect of calcium supplementation is better than drinking it all at once.

Note 3: Choose the best time for calcium supplementation. Calcium is easily combined with oxalic acid and phytic acid, which affects the absorption of calcium. Therefore, the best time for calcium supplementation should be before bedtime and between meals. Note that there is a period of time before going to sleep. It is best to rest for half an hour after dinner, because the blood calcium concentration is the lowest in the second half of the night and in the morning, which is the most suitable for calcium supplementation.

Note 4: Bone broth is not the best way to supplement calcium. Using 1 kg of meat and bones to cook soup for 2 hours, the calcium content in the soup is only about 20 mg. Therefore, the calcium supplement of meat and bone soup is far from meeting the needs. In addition, the fat content in Bone Broth is high, and fat is also consumed when drinking the soup, and pregnant women should not use this as the only way to supplement calcium.