Causes and treatment of baby vomiting


Seeing the healthy and stable growth of your baby every day is the biggest wish of every parent. But in the growing process of the baby, it is inevitable to get sick, and the baby's resistance is relatively weak, so it is normal to get sick. Vomiting in babies is a very common condition and it's important to get it right. So how to relieve baby vomiting? What Causes Babies to Vomit?
What are the reasons for the baby to vomit?
Reason 1: Improper feeding or eating: excessive breastfeeding during the neonatal period, improper formula milk, swallowing a lot of air during feeding; infants and young children eat a lot at one time or the food is not easy to digest.
Reason 2: Digestive dysfunction: systemic infectious diseases, such as upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, pneumonia and sepsis, high fever, nausea, loss of appetite, often accompanied by vomiting.
Reason 3: Digestive tract infectious diseases: Gastritis, enteritis, dysentery, appendicitis and other diseases, local irritation can cause reflex vomiting, often accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea and other digestive system symptoms.
Reason 4: Nervous system diseases: Central nervous system diseases such as encephalitis, meningitis, intracranial hemorrhage or tumor, traumatic brain injury can also cause vomiting. It is characterized by no nausea and jetting before the baby vomits, but it is often accompanied by other symptoms of the nervous system, such as headache, lethargy, lethargy, and even convulsions and coma.
Reason 5: Mental factors: Some children may vomit due to excessive mental stress or anxiety for some reasons, and recurrent vomiting is sometimes also related to mental factors.
Reason 6: Poisoning: including all kinds of poisoning, such as food poisoning, poisonous animals, plant poisoning, drug poisoning, pesticide poisoning, etc., almost all have vomiting symptoms, but different poisonings have their own clinical characteristics, which can be used for identify.
Reason 7: Others: vestibular dysfunction of the inner ear or Meniere's disease (inner eardrum with labyrinthine hydrops), severe vomiting, but often accompanied by dizziness; congenital malformations of the digestive tract in children, such as gastric Torsion, hypertrophic pyloric obstruction, etc. In addition, children with intestinal ascariasis have more severe vomiting when they have intestinal obstruction or biliary roundworms.
The following 6 common diseases can cause vomiting in babies:
1. Intussusception
Intussusception occurs when the distal end of the small intestine becomes invaginated into the lumen of the proximal small intestine. This phenomenon is most likely to occur in children under the age of 1, especially when the weather is cold. Once intussusception occurs, in addition to severe abdominal pain and crying, the child will be accompanied by vomiting and low-grade fever.
2. Hernia
Because a baby's abdominal wall muscles are very weak, excessive crying can cause tissue in the abdominal cavity to protrude from the umbilicus into the abdominal wall, forming an umbilical hernia; once the intestines are embedded in the hernia sac, the child will experience severe abdominal pain, crying and vomiting.
3. Gastric pyloric stenosis
The most common congenital disorder with vomiting symptoms is gastric pyloric stenosis. A small number of infants are born with hypertrophy of the gastric pyloric ring muscle, resulting in a narrowing of the gastric pyloric lumen. As the baby's food intake increases, a large amount of chyme accumulates in the stomach, making it difficult to enter the intestine, resulting in jet-like vomiting after eating, usually about 1 month after birth.
4. Gastroenteritis
The main symptoms of gastroenteritis are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sometimes fever. It can be caused by many reasons, such as poor diet, eating unclean food, respiratory virus infection, etc.
5. Upper respiratory tract infection
When children are infected with respiratory viruses, not only will they have a series of respiratory symptoms, but they will also vomit. After a weak child is infected by the virus, the resistance will decline, including the resistance of the gastrointestinal tract, and the toxin stimulation of the virus will cause the baby to vomit.
6. Otitis media
Because the Eustachian tube leading to the middle ear is short and straight, and the child spends more time lying down, the virus can easily enter the middle ear through this channel when the upper respiratory tract is infected, causing otitis media. You must know that the ear is not only the hearing organ, but also related to the balance function of the body. When the middle ear becomes inflamed, it can cause the baby to vomit.
How to relieve baby's vomiting
Method 1: Don't let the child lie down first. Immediately help the child sit up and turn the child's head to one side to prevent vomit from choking in the windpipe.
Method 2: After the child vomits, rinse the mouth with warm water to clean the mouth and remove the odor. If the child does not know how to rinse the mouth, you can give the child more water to clean the mouth.
Method 3: After the child vomits, give the child more water, because the water will also be lost when the baby vomits, so as to avoid dehydration. The water temperature can be warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It is best not to use warm water. Warm water can easily cause vomiting again.
Method 4: During the baby's vomiting, don't let the child eat too much, but eat less frequently. The diet should be light, so as not to stimulate the stomach and cause vomiting again. Liquid or semi-liquid food should be given first after vomiting.
Method 5: Try to let the child rest in bed, be careful not to change positions frequently, which may easily cause vomiting again. Most vomiting in children is caused by digestive disorders. Therefore, food should be temporarily fasted during vomiting. The digestive tract needs time to rest. During this time, you can give your baby some light salt water or light sugar water.