The advantages and disadvantages of vitamin C supplementation for babies


In the growth process of the baby, the lack of any kind of trace elements will affect the normal growth and development of the baby. Among them, vitamin C is very important for the growth of the baby, so parents should pay attention to supplementing the baby with vitamin C. So what are the benefits of vitamin C supplementation for babies? What are the disadvantages of excessive vitamin C supplementation? We together look.

The benefits of vitamin C supplementation for babies

Vitamin C can promote fetal brain development and improve brain function during the fetal period, so if expectant mothers can consume enough vitamin C, it will help to improve the baby's intelligence. So what are the benefits of vitamin C supplementation for babies after birth?

1. Vitamin C can enhance the metabolic function of the baby's body, promote the production of red blood cells and bone tissue, and accelerate the repair after injury.

2. Vitamin C can also keep the baby's teeth healthy and maintain the gums. Enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, which can promote wound healing after baby's fall or injury, and reduce the risk of infection.

3. Vitamin C can also improve the baby's immunity, so that the baby has a good ability to fight diseases.

4. Vitamin C can promote the absorption of iron and calcium in the baby's diet.

Vitamin C supplements for babies are best obtained from natural ingredients. For infants up to one year old, vitamin C in breast milk is an important source of vitamin C for infants. Therefore, in breastfeeding families, mothers should eat more natural foods rich in vitamin C and try to avoid taking vitamin C tablets. Because under normal circumstances, the vitamin C content in vegetables and fruits is sufficient, and the human body can fully meet the needs of vitamin C through diet, and can also allow the baby to obtain a sufficient amount of vitamin C. If you take vitamin C tablets again, excessive vitamin C supplementation will also have certain side effects. Therefore, the correct supplementation of vitamin C is of great benefit to the health of the baby.

The disadvantages of excessive vitamin C supplementation for babies

All nutrients in the human body must be balanced, and maintaining a balance point can play its positive role. Most of the excess nutrition will have some negative effects, and the same is true of vitamin C. Excessive supplementation of vitamin C to the baby also has certain disadvantages.

In real life, many parents take vitamin C to their babies for a long time in order to enhance their resistance and prevent their babies from catching a cold, but they do not know that this approach has certain disadvantages! This practice reduces the content of vitamin C in the body, because large doses of vitamin C disrupt the regulating mechanism of vitamin C in the body and accelerate the decomposition and excretion of vitamin C. Rebound symptoms occur once the drug is discontinued.

If children take excessive vitamin C supplements for a long time, they are more likely to develop various bone diseases, because excessive vitamin C in the body hinders the formation of osteoblasts.

Excessive vitamin C also increases the prevalence of calcium oxalate stones and kidney stones in the baby's urinary tract, affects the normal anticoagulant function of antiheparin and dicoumarin, and leads to thrombosis.

If your baby gets too much vitamin C each day, it can increase their bowel movements and cause diarrhea or colic.

Therefore, vitamin C is good, but it is not the more the better. Vitamin C should be supplemented to the baby appropriately according to the specific situation.