Baby milk powder allergy causes and treatment methods


Milk powder is considered to be the main food necessary for the growth and development of babies, but sometimes some babies develop eczema, diarrhea and even vomiting after drinking formula. If this happens, it is generally necessary to consider whether the baby is allergic to milk powder. So what is the cause of baby formula allergy? We need to understand clearly and treat early to relieve the pain of the baby. Also, what if the baby is allergic to milk powder? Now let's learn this together.

Causes of baby milk allergy

Babies who are allergic to milk powder will have adverse reactions to it and show various allergic symptoms. Babies' immune systems are immature, so they are more likely to develop allergies in the first few years of life.

What are the causes of baby milk allergy? The reason why babies are allergic is often related to their own allergies, and it may also be related to family genetic characteristics. At the same time, it may also be related to the following two reasons:

1. If the baby's milk powder allergy symptoms are diarrhea, it may be caused by the body's intolerance to milk lactose.

2. If the baby's milk powder allergy symptoms are rash, eczema and other allergic symptoms, it may also be accompanied by diarrhea, which is mainly caused by the baby's allergy to the protein in milk. Protein allergy is an important cause of eczema in babies. When various proteins enter the human body, corresponding antibodies will be produced in the body. If the same antigen enters the body again, an antigen-antibody reaction occurs, that is, an immune response.

How to deal with baby's milk powder allergy

How to deal with the baby's milk allergy problem, what can be done? I believe this question must be bothering many new parents. So what should be done? You can manage your baby's formula allergy by:

Method 1: Adhere to breastfeeding. Generally, breast milk does not cause allergies.

Method 2: Avoiding exposure to allergens and allergen diet. This practice is considered the best way to prevent formula allergies in babies.

Method 3: Choosing the right formula. If the baby's milk allergy symptoms are confirmed, the hypoallergenic formula should be replaced in time.

Method 4: During breastfeeding, mothers should avoid allergy-prone foods, mainly to prevent allergenic proteins from being passed on to the baby.

Method 5: Appropriate probiotic supplementation is also good for avoiding allergies, so the baby can properly take probiotics.