Which hair color or perm is the most harmful to the scalp?


How does hair color harm the scalp?

Hair dye can damage hair, cause allergies, induce cancer, damage liver and kidneys, etc.
1. Changes in hair texture

When dyeing permanent hair, the dye must enter the hair to achieve the effect of coloring, so damage to the hair is inevitable. Hair that is frequently dyed can become brittle, brittle, and lose its natural softness, strength and shine. Acute and chronic irritation from hair dyes can cause an inflammatory response in the scalp and hair follicles. Over time, it will cause the hair follicles to shrink, and the hair will become thicker and thinner, and finally fall out. The more you dye your hair, the more serious the damage.
2. Allergies caused by hair dye are more common

About 10% of people who have dyed their hair have allergies. Symptoms are itchy scalp, redness, rash, blisters, and even the entire face and body. Some people even experience anaphylactic shock immediately after use, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.
3. Induce cancer

Some people have dyed their hair many times and never have allergies or discomfort, but that doesn't mean there's no harm. Compared to the obvious harms of allergies, the hidden harms of hair dye build up over time and can take a long time to flare up.
4. Damage to liver and kidney

Hair dyes will invade the human body through the skin and hair follicles, and will be metabolized by the liver and kidneys, causing damage to the liver and kidney functions. However, due to the strong compensatory function of the liver and kidney, there is generally no obvious discomfort.
Which hair color or perm is more harmful to the scalp?
Both perming and dyeing can damage the hair, but due to different principles, the specific damage to the hair or scalp should also be said separately.
Perms are the use of potions and heat to break the disulfide bonds in the hair and rebuild them for styling purposes. Since the change is the denaturation of proteins in the hair, many perms don't touch the scalp directly if not on the scalp. In this case, only the scales are heavily damaged, so the hair will become frizzy after perming. Easy to break and yellow.
Many people dye their hair and dye their hair. At this point, the hair dye will come into contact with the scalp, and the chemicals in the hair dye may be absorbed by the scalp. Occasionally, some nausea, dizziness, swelling of the head, etc. may occur, and in severe cases, it may cause problems with the hair follicles of the scalp, resulting in hair loss.

So we see it should be clearer here:
Whether it's perming or dyeing your hair, it can damage your hair. That is to say, from a different point of view, for hair damage, perming and coloring can both cause damage to hair. For the damage to the scalp, the damage to the hair will be greater than the perm.
In daily life, if we want to reduce the damage of dyed and permed hair, we can do the following:
1. Check the scalp before dyeing or perming: if the scalp has scars, breakage, sores, dermatitis, it is best not to burn; children, pregnant and lactating women, asthma, urticaria, allergic diseases, liver and kidney insufficiency, etc. Poor strength, or easy to cause severe allergic reactions, causing greater harm, it is best not to burn.
2. Do deep care before dyeing and perming: Doing several deep cares before dyeing and perming can keep the hair moisturized, because the better the hair condition, the better the perm effect.
3. Precautions for perming: When perming, first isolate the hairline, ears and neck. You can use the Vaseline, lip balm or conditioner that comes with the perm product; applying the isolation layer will make it easier for you to wash off and stick to the skin Apply perm cream. Try to avoid direct contact with the skin, and do not directly contaminate the eyes, face, lips, etc., to avoid irritation or excessive absorption.
4. Pay attention to allergies when perming and dyeing hair: if you feel itching or pain when perming, you should stop perming immediately; follow the instructions to clean in time, do not prolong the perming time for the sake of longer-lasting styling and more "firm" color; when perming, if the scalding cream does not If it gets into eyes, please rinse immediately with clean water.
5. Pay attention after dyeing and perming: During the process of dyeing and perming, a large amount of alkaline substances enter the hair, destroying the original protein and amino acids, making the hair easy to dry out, lose its luster and elasticity, so the hair should be continuously cared for. It is used to replenish lost protein and moisture, and enhance the toughness and elasticity of hair.