What are the requirements for growing roses?


Many people are now planting flowers, but it seems difficult, complicated and time-consuming. This beautiful plant has some planting requirements, and you can harvest a beautiful garden by doing these planting requirements.


Requirements for rose planting 1. Soil

Roses require air circulation, full sun, good drainage, Acidic soil with pH 5-6. However, if the weather is hot and dry, shade will be needed at night to avoid fires. These plants should not be placed near the building as they are prone to mold growth and can affect the pH of the rose bed if there is a concrete base. The three-foot distance between the rose garden and the building is enough to maintain the health of the roses.

When planting, the soil should be dug well and loose to 2 feet. Semi-rotted manure should be mixed with compost before relocating them to the rosebed. Leave these mixtures for two weeks before planting.


Roses need good drainage, so dig as described above, but put 2-4 inches of gravel underneath the hole and fill it in. Put the same fertilizer mix as above. If the problem of excretion has not been solved, it is necessary to install a drain or change a rose pot.

It's rose planting season, and it's time to dig a slightly larger hole in the base, deep enough to cover the buds. Dirt should be piled lightly in the center of the hole so that the plant is firmly pinned inside. Prune damaged roots and cut a small section from a different root. Fill half the pit and add another bucket of water. Let the water absorb first, then pour the remaining plant mixture into the small hole, and then squeeze hard. Trim stray plant stems 6 feet above the ground.


Requirements for rose planting 2. Moisture

During dry seasons, roses need a lot of moisture. Roses should be heavily irrigated within a week, not frequent small-scale irrigation. Water every week to the deepest point of the plant's roots. If you do it in the morning, the chance of mildew on the bushes is reduced. Try to keep the leaves as dry as possible, and slowly drip down with a hose, not over your head. During hot, dry summers, a thick layer of mulch and nitrogen fertilizer can help plants thrive.

Requirements for rose planting 3. Insulation

If winter temperatures are usually below 10 degrees Celsius, roses must be kept warm. In winter, burlap can act to protect the plants from being blown dry by high winds. When spring begins, remove the cotton thread and burlap that wraps the plants.


Requirements for rose planting 4. Prevention of pests and diseases

Healthy roses are generally protected against disease and disease; however, due to poor growing conditions, roses are susceptible to a variety of diseases and pests. Be sure to clear the turf at the base of the plant in early spring to minimize mold and pest infestation. During the normal growing season, leaves falling off or yellowing from shrubs are likely to be affected by a disease or insect. Leaves found in bushes showing signs of disease should be removed. Be sure to wash it first before touching other roses. If you're pruning a diseased shrub, be sure to sterilize the clippers and other equipment before moving on to the next one.

Growing roses is an attractive and satisfying hobby. With little investment, a lot of beauty can be created.