How to improve hair loss from diet?


Under normal circumstances, because hair loss and hair growth maintain a dynamic balance, normal hair volume can be maintained. But hair loss may also be caused by diet, mental and other reasons, so how can we improve hair loss?

Improve hair loss from diet:

1. Low-fat foods

To prevent hair loss, you can eat more foods rich in protein and minerals, and mainly low in fat.

Protein is an important part of hair, so the human body needs a lot of protein to maintain normal hair growth. Normally, the protein we eat every day can meet the needs of the human body, but some people who are obese, malnourished, and picky eaters will lead to insufficient protein. You can eat more protein-rich foods, such as beef, eggs, etc.

2. Fresh vegetables

Friends with hair loss usually eat more green vegetables, potatoes, beans, seaweed, etc., which have a certain effect on the hair. These green foods can help the metabolism of melanin in the hair, so that your hair will stay dark forever. In addition, there is a lot of fiber in these green foods, and fiber can not only treat hair loss, but also increase the number of hair.

3. High nutrient food

Female hair loss is mainly caused by physical weakness or malnutrition, so in daily life, female friends with hair loss should properly eat some foods that can strengthen the body and nourish the hair.

4. Miscellaneous grains

Multigrain is a good anti-hair loss food, which can help the human body adjust its digestive function and supplement some dietary fiber that other foods lack. Nowadays, people like to eat greasy food, which can be adjusted by eating some lighter food.

Miscellaneous grains and miscellaneous grains are a good anti-hair loss food, which can regulate the digestive function of the human body and supplement the dietary fiber that some other foods lack. Especially nowadays, people like to eat greasy and spicy food. to heal the body.

5. Kidney nourishing food

Kidney-tonifying foods are generally caused by kidney deficiency, and this kind of hair loss can be conditioned by taking kidney-tonifying foods.

Precautions for improving hair loss:

Precautions 1. Avoid the smell of smoke and smoke

The fumes from cooking have a great stimulating effect on the hair follicles of the scalp, and the nicotine in the cigarette will constrict the small blood vessels of the scalp, resulting in a decrease in the lifespan of the hair follicles, which leads to hair loss.

Matters needing attention 2. Avoid not washing the pillow for a long time

Studies have shown that head mites are the main culprits of various pathological hair loss, such as hair loss, endocrine alopecia, and seborrheic alopecia. Head mites can also cause acne on the scalp, greasy hair, light yellow powder on the scalp that is difficult to fall off, and flying dandruff. Pillows that haven't been washed for weeks are full of head mites, which can infect the hair and cause hair loss.

Note 3: Avoid sweets and oily foods

Sweets will increase the blood sugar of the human body, increase the secretion of scalp oil, and there will be more and more bad bacteria and mites on the scalp, and more and more bacteria and mites on the scalp.

Precautions 4. Avoid using shampoos containing sodium laureth sulfate

Sodium Laureth Sulfate is a petroleum sulfur compound, which is the main raw material of detergents and garage detergents commonly used in the market. Shampoos containing this substance will produce strong alkalinity, degreasing and dehydration. It can easily damage the hair, cause hair moisture imbalance, and cause hair loss.