What should I do if the tortoise has white eye disease?


White eye disease is the most common disease of the Brazilian tortoise, and it is also a disease with a high incidence. The typical symptom of white eye disease is a layer of white fog on the eyes. In severe cases, it will be swollen to the point that you can't open your eyes. This disease will not be treated in time and will lead to death, so it attracts the owner's attention.

What should I do if the tortoise has white eye disease? How to treat white eye disease in Brazilian turtles?

1. How to treat white eye disease of Brazilian tortoise?

For the treatment of sick turtles, antibiotic eye drops or ointment can be applied to the affected area 1 to 2 times a day Second-rate. At the same time, penicillin was injected at a dose of 40,000 to 50,000 international units per kilogram of turtle body, once a day for 2 to 3 days.

If the number of sick turtles is large, one or two antibiotics (500,000 to 1,000,000 international units per liter) can be dissolved in water, and the turtle body can be soaked for 30 to 60 minutes, several times a day, until it heals. For turtles with mild symptoms (eyes still open), soak them in a solution of nitrofurazone or furazolidone at a concentration of 30 mg per liter for 40 minutes for 3 to 5 days.

For turtles with severe disease (the eyes cannot be opened), first remove the white matter and necrotic epidermis in the eyes, and then soak the sick turtles in a solution containing vitamin B and oxytetracycline, and put 0.5 pieces of terra mold per 500 grams of water white, 2 vitamin B tablets. When treating a turtle, apply furazolidone to the eyes, not the entire body.


2. How to prevent white eye disease of Brazilian turtles

The white eye disease of the Brazilian tortoise is mainly due to the deterioration of the water quality and the environment. The turtle's eyes are easily damaged by bacteria, which can easily lead to tortoises suffering from white eye disease. When a turtle suffers from white eye disease, the breeder must carry out effective treatment in time, otherwise the turtle may lose its life due to the deterioration of the condition. Of course, in the process of daily feeding, it is more important for breeders to prevent tortoises from suffering from white eye disease, and to do a good job in the prevention of white eye disease of Brazilian tortoises.

White eye disease of turtles mostly occurs in the spring and autumn and late winter seasons. To this end, breeders should strengthen the feeding and management of turtles before and after wintering. From the aspects of diet and environment, prevent the invasion and damage of white eye disease. At the same time, the diet strengthens the turtle's body nutrition and increases the ability to resist disease. Through the management of the environment, prevent the growth of bacteria and the harm of bacteria.

Breeders should regularly disinfect and clean turtles and terrariums. Generally, the simplest cleaning and disinfection method is to soak the breeding box with 10% salt water for 30 minutes, clean the four walls of the breeding box, and then raise the turtles. At the same time, you can also soak the turtle and the breeding box with penicillin or potassium permanganate solution, which can also play an effective preventive role.


When it is found that the turtle has white eye disease, the breeder must ask the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment, and then carry out effective treatment according to the prescription issued by the veterinarian every day, so that the sick turtle can recover as soon as possible. possible. At the same time, in daily life, breeders should also pay attention to ensuring the stability and cleanliness of the water quality environment to prevent the growth of bacteria in the water quality environment and cause harm to the turtles. The role of eye disease.

Many people think that eating pork can cause white eye disease. In fact, this is an indirect effect, mainly due to changes in water quality. If you eat pork, a layer of oil will appear on the water and stick to the turtle's eyes. It will cause inflammation and white eye disease, so the owner should clean up the impurities in the water to ensure the quality of the water body.