Decoration Feng Shui Tips


With the development of society, people's ideas are becoming more and more open and diversified, which can be reflected from the continuous change and innovation of home decoration. In order to show individuality in house design, homeowners tend to ignore Feng Shui issues. Although creative design makes the space more aesthetically pleasing, not paying attention to Feng Shui will often have the opposite effect. Therefore, before decoration, we must refer to the feng shui taboos of interior decoration, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages according to feng shui, and avoid feng shui taboos, so as to create a family pattern that gathers wealth and qi. The following editor will bring you the relevant knowledge of decoration feng shui. Come and learn it.

1. Feng Shui layout, we must reasonably arrange the good and bad positions in the home

When we choose a house, we often ignore the layout of feng shui, which may waste the auspicious position, so that the auspicious fields of wealth, officials, longevity, and good fortune cannot give full play to their functions. But the problem is that the master bedroom and living room, which are most closely related to the family's fortune, are designed in the most sinister position, so that the unlucky Lonely Star, Sad Star, Five Ghost Stars and other auras have become home feng shui. The main melody, this is a big mistake.

In this case, it is easy to have an adverse impact on the fortune of the family in all aspects, and in the most serious cases, it may even cause tragedies such as family illness and injury, and family disintegration. This requires feng shui masters to conduct on-the-spot investigations, re-layout the home, make reasonable use of auspicious positions, and avoid bad positions; it is also a good method to decorate and layout according to the birth date, and according to the analysis of the owners' birthdays, determine the most suitable for each Personal living room, let Feng Shui become a bonus point for good luck for the owners.

Second, there are many furniture in Feng Shui, and wealth is not smooth

Interior decoration Feng Shui taboo one, more furniture. The size and quantity of furniture should be selected according to the space capacity. The number of furniture in a space should not be too much. The size of furniture should be measured according to the space area. Enlarging furniture in a small space will make it crowded and uncomfortable. Therefore, when decorating, pay attention to the selection of appropriate furniture.

Third, the balcony of Feng Shui should not face the kitchen

This will weaken the reunion function of the family, the husband is prone to have an affair, the wife will have an affair, and the children do not like to go home. During the decoration, the owners can make flower racks full of climbing vines or place potted plants to isolate them from inside and outside; in addition, they can be used as balcony sound, which is also a blocking method. In short, Feng Shui is not to let the balcony lead directly to the kitchen.

Fourth, less mirrors are installed in the home of Feng Shui

Do not arbitrarily install bright mirrors when decorating our home, so as not to damage the indoor magnetic field. Sometimes in order to show the extension effect in the room, the owners like to use bright mirrors for decoration, but it is best not to install large mirrors in the bedroom, because Feng Shui will make the magnetic field of the person who is in it disturbed due to reflection.

Five, Feng Shui toilet

Feng Shui in the bathroom can be described as a lot of content

Location The toilet can't be in the middle palace

The location of the toilet is very important in home feng shui. If the plane of the house is divided into nine equal parts, the one in the middle is what we can call the "middle palace". The location of the home toilet cannot be on the "middle palace", that is The so-called "toilet occupies the central palace" is not good for the family's wealth and health. If we have placed the toilet in the middle palace during the renovation, the owners can try to switch the washbasin and toilet, or store water in the bathtub for a long time. Great improvement in feng shui

installation of windows

Nowadays, many people adopt a closed decoration for the bathroom when they are renovating, they think that this can ensure the privacy of themselves and their families to the greatest extent. In fact, it is not appropriate to do this in Feng Shui, because water is the main element of the bathroom, and the place with more water is more humid, which makes it tend to stagnate. Therefore, when the owners decorate the bathroom, it is best to decorate the windows, and they can put green plants or hanging pictures. According to Feng Shui, it can ease the atmosphere and store the breath together.